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KCI등재 학술저널

Christianization, Islamization, and Judaization in Jerusalem

예루살렘의 기독교화, 이슬람화, 유대화

DOI : 10.52891/JMEA.2023.22.3.33
  • 14

본 논문은 예루살렘의 종교적 발전 과정을 분석하는 것을 목표로 하며, 유대교, 기독교, 이슬람교의 기원과 발전을 추적한다. 예루살렘에서 종교적 변화 과정에서 발생한 유사점과 차이점도 살펴본다. 예루살렘은 로마지배 시기에 기독교화를 경험했으며, 중세 시대에는 이슬람화 그리고 현대에 이르기까지 유대화를 겪었다. 예루살렘은 종교적 변천을 통해 주요 특징을 보여준다. 그 중에서는 도시의 인구 구성이 종교적 변화 과정에서 해당 신자들이 다수를 차지하였다. 새로운 문화적 형태에 따른 언어적 변화도 나타났다. 본 연구는 인구통계학적, 언어적 변화 외에도 다른 유사점과 차이점을 조사하여 예루살렘의 종교적 정체성의 진화를 조명한다. 세 가지 과정 중에서 유대화는 더 강력한 조치를 보여주었으며 이는 계속되는 팔레스타인-이스라엘 갈등에 상당한 영향을 미쳤다.

Throughout its history, the region of the Middle East has been marked by significant religious transformations, including the processes of Christianization, Islamization, and Judaization. Jerusalem, as a city sacred to the main religions of the Abrahamic faiths, stands as a compelling case study for examining these processes, given its unique holiness and the historical confrontations among these religions in the region. This study introduces Jerusalem as a focal point for analyzing the dynamics of each of these processes, tracing the emergence of the first communities of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam within this city. Through this examination, the study underscores both the similarities and differences among these transformative processes that unfolded in Jerusalem. The historical timeline of these processes in Jerusalem reveals that Christianization was the earliest to be implemented during Roman rule, followed by Islamization in the Medieval age, and, finally, Judaization in the modern era, which continues to the present day. Each of these processes can be distinguished by two distinct stages of application in Jerusalem, each leaving its impact on the city's demographics, resulting in the dominance of the majority population associated with the respective religion. Moreover, these transformations were accompanied by significant shifts in language, reflecting the cultural changes that took place. In addition to demographic and linguistic shifts, this study delves into other similarities and differences, shedding light on the evolution of Jerusalem's religious identity. Jerusalem serves as an illustrative example for other cities in the Middle East that have experienced religious shifts primarily linked to the Abrahamic faiths, showcasing the complex interplay of history, religion, and culture in shaping the identity of these cities over time.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Christianization Process

Ⅲ. Islamization Process

Ⅳ. Judaization Process

Ⅴ. Similarities and differences

Ⅵ. Conclusion
