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KCI등재후보 학술저널

핀란드 국가핵심교육과정의 역사교육 평가 기준과 실천

Assessment Criteria and Practices for History Education in the Finnish National Core Curriculum

DOI : 10.55082/jdp.2023.6.2.163
  • 169

This article focuses on Finnish education, which is receiving global attention, and examines the evaluation of Finnish history education. Finland has not chosen the competitive and market-based management system for improving educational quality that many countries around the world have chosen. Instead, teachers' autonomy was guaranteed, and in the 2014 national core curriculum revision, teachers' autonomy was further strengthened by setting the content of the subject more comprehensively than before. This study examines how the evaluation standards for history education in Finland's national core curriculum are designed and how they are evaluated in actual tests. To this end, Finland intends to analyze the characteristics of history education evaluation standards in the National Core Curriculum, which was revised in 2015, through mock test questions and model answers for history subjects in the Finnish Matriculation Examination.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 국가핵심교육과정의 역사교육 평가 기준

Ⅲ. 대학입학자격 모의시험 역사 과목 시험 문항과 답안 사례

Ⅳ. 결론
