최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

동북아안보공동체 구축에 관한 소고

A Study on Northeast Asian Security Community Building

Multilateral security cooperation efforts in East Asia have developed since the early 1990s. Yet the level of cooperation in the region (especially in Northeast Asia) still remains primitive when compared to the level of cooperation in Europe or North America, which began in the late 1950s and early 1960s. This paper aims to further increase awareness on the need for inter-governmental cooperation strategies so as to effectively prevent and respond to any crisis situations that might occur in the region. The paper thus intends to analyze existing forms of multilateral security cooperation in East Asia (and Northeast Asia in particular), and proceed to examine the possibility of constructing a regional security cooperation regime in the region as part of an important step towards building a Northeast Asian community. The paper first examines the definition and logic of multilateral security cooperation by examining the expanding concept of security within the context of the changing international security environment, especially after the events of 9-11, together with the notions of multilateralism and cooperative security. Second, the paper reviews the development of multilateral security cooperation efforts in the Asia-Pacific, East Asia and Northeast Asia and its significance in establishing a security regime in the region. The third section aims to evaluate the positions of the main state actors in the Northeast Asian region with regards to regional multilateral security cooperation and will examine the prospects for further cooperation. The countries chosen here include the United States, Japan, China, Russia and South Korea. Fourth, the paper examines the challenges and opportunities security cooperation will pose for the region, with particular focus on why multilateral cooperation in Northeast Asia remains difficult despite various inter-governmental and non-governmental efforts in recent years. This section also discusses the 'complementary' aspects of comprehensive security and the role that non-traditional issues could play in consolidating on-going confidence-building efforts. The paper argues that the increase in instability factors since the end of the Cold War has escalated conflict in the Northeast Asian region, which could possibly lead to a military showdown. Therefore, in order to remove the factors of conflict and instability,and construct a new international order, multilateral mechanisms (e.g., OSCE), which would complement the 'prudence of realist power politics,' should also be instituted in the Northeast Asian region. Of course, the process of building an effective regional security regime in Northeast Asia is expected to be a long and tedious task. Still, the possibility for unnecessary competition and distrust, misunderstanding and conflict could be minimized only when there is a multilateral cooperation regime in Northeast Asia that could serve as a regional 'safety valve.' In conclusion, it looks like efforts will continue with regards to constructing a framework for security cooperation in the region, whatever the future for Northeast Asia will be because of the number of security issues that must be commonly addressed in the region. That is, it is likely that these efforts will develop into a bi-multilateral cooperative mechanism, which will be a multilateral mechanism that will complement ongoing efforts to realign existing bilateral relations. Therefore, in order to get the most out of the synergy effects of this mechanism, governments in the region need to make a systematic and concerted effort to devise a systematic security policy that would include increasing public awareness on on-going international and regional trends, while at the same time accommodating various views on security issues. On the other hand, the general public should take part in forming public opinion,

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 다자안보협력에 대한 이론적 고찰

Ⅲ. 동북아 다자안보협력의 현황 및 특성

Ⅳ. 다자안보협력에 관한 동북아 주요 국가들의 입장

Ⅴ. 동북아 다자안보협력의 도전과 기회

Ⅵ. 결론
