최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

[특집:안보전략환경 변화와 국방개혁 추진] 21세기 한국적 군사혁신과 국방개혁 추진

RMA and Defense Reform of Korean Military for the 21 Century

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The Korean Government recently proposed a Defense Reform Plan (DRP) for the goal of year 2020 and is now on the stage of pursuing the enactment of the plan after collecting and reflecting public opinion. The new DRP implies a shift in military-security paradigm, pursuant to following-up the fast changing politico-military environment of the Korean Peninsula and its neighboring region. The DRP proposes a mid-long term defense vision, which will transform the military structure from the 'labor-oriented and quantity-based industrial age forces' to the futuristic 'technology-oriented and quality-based information age forces'. This paper reviews the DRP based on the concept of revolution in military affairs and highly regards historic implications of the DRP and its connotation. The DRP is logically a right and significant choice for Korean people. The paper will make some of complementing arguments and suggest ideas for further development of the DRP with regard to accurate targetsettings, resolving systemic rigidity followed by enactment, transforming the mobilization system of reserve force into a developed-country model, asymmetric development of battlefield operation and weapon systems, reevaluating the relative importance of R&D and technology accumulation. The DRP can be considered as the second attempt for transforming military capabilities after the 'Force Improvement Plan', called 'Yul-gok Plan', in the 1970s which equipped new modern systems for the forces. Since transforming the current industrial age forces into a high-tech forces has become a core issue of the national affairs, planning and implementation of defense reform should be attained solely by considering vital national interests in order that the establishment of the 'Advanced National Defense' can ensure survival, prosperity, and peaceful unification of Korean people.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 주변 4강의 군사혁신 추세 분석

Ⅲ. 한국적 군사혁신의 필요성 및 주요개념

Ⅳ. 국방개혁 추진의 주요내용 및 의의 평가

Ⅴ. 국방개혁의 보완 및 발전방향

Ⅵ. 결론
