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KCI등재 학술저널

[기획연구]첨단기술전력에 의한 비핵 억제전략

Non-neclear Deterrence Strategy Using High-Tech Forces

We must develop military responses under the presumption that the North Korean regime has already armed itself with weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. For the short- to mid-term, the ROK should rely on the American nuclear umbrella and cutting-edge power projection forces; however, for the mid- to long-term, the ROK should indigenously develop its own non-nuclear/conventional deterrence strategy based on its own high-tech forces. A deep precision “surveillance-control-strike” complex system of systems, i.e., network-centric warfare systems, based on high-tech technologies are as much powerful as nuclear weapons. This force, which falls into the conventional force category, does not have any international restraint or limitation. By effectively utilizing this high-tech force system, all the enemy's functions could be neutralized in a short period of time through selecting strategic “centers of gravity” (COGs) and simultaneously parallel-attacking the COGs in effects-based planning. This type of parallel war capability can prevent and deter conflicts by inculcating its superior striking power to the enemy's psyche, and, if deterrence fails, the high-tech forces can be smartly used for a decisive victory against the enemy. Furthermore, this high-tech force system has many advantages in terms of costeffectiveness. In other words, its strategic value is very high, while the cost to obtain it is relatively low. The utility of its investment is durable and sustainable, and it has a wide range of applicability and flexibility. Also, it can be used in all types of conflicts. It would not only be effective against the North's WMD threats, but also against unforeseeable future threats.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 북한의 대량살상무기 위협 대비 방책

Ⅲ. 첨단기술 전력의 능력평가

Ⅳ. 비핵 억제능력 발전 개념

Ⅴ. 맺는말
