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KCI등재 학술저널

[특집] 동아시아 다자간 군비통제 추진방안

Promoting Multilateral Arms Control in East Asia: Let ARF Take the Lead

I. Introduction Over the past 10 years since the end of the Cold War. a garden variety of arms control issues have made it to the fore in the international arena. Animated discussions have ensued. and visible successes have been attained Some such examples include the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) and Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty concluded between the United States and Russia: the successful conclusion of the Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE): the agreement in 1995 to indefinitely extend the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT): and the conclusion of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). Arms control efforts are being made in diverse forms at the regional level as well. but variations do. to a certain degree, exist among different regions. For instance. since the end of the Cold War. Europe has notably enhanced military stability through the successful implementation of the CFE. The Asia-Pacific region, on the other hand. has seen a marked trend of arms buildup and arms races among some countries during the same period. This could be an element of potential conflict and. at the same time. pose a grave obstacle to the region's long-term stability and peace. The objective of this report is to seek mid- to long-term methods to convert the current trend of arms race in the Asia-Pacific region to multilateral regional arms control. The invigoration of multilateral arms control must lead to arms control on the Korean peninsula. Likewise. once North and South Korea begin to discuss detente and arms control, we must examine concrete ways to link this to regional arms control. The ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)the sole multilateral security cooperation body in the regions rejuvenating discussions at the official and unofficial levels (Track I and Track II, respectively) to stimulate confidence building and enhance military transparency. In-depth studies, therefore. must be conducted at the ARF level to formulate realistically feasible arms control methods. At the same time, the ARF. of which both North and South Korea are members, can be said to offer the link that could connect regional arms control and Korean arms control. We must take this opportunity to gain a mutually beneficial synergy effect. II. International Trends and Characteristics of Arms Control Since the 1990s, international arms control activities have centered on reinforcing control of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). including nuclear weapons: controlling transfer of conventional weapons and related technology: building confidence and enhancing military transparency: and encouraging arms control and security cooperation at the regional level. Efforts to strengthen institutional mechanisms to prevent horizontal proliferation of WMD are particularly outstanding. The end of the Cold War gave international arms control different shades. thereby setting it apart from international arms control of the Cold War era in the following ways: First. unlike the bilateral arms control negotiations in the Cold War era, international arms control began to be discussed among multiple parties in the 1990s. Second, the scope of arms control talks' agenda expanded from strategic nuclear weapons in the Cold War era to the overall WMD in the post-Cold War era, to include not only nuclear weapons but missiles, which are long-range projectiles carrying nuclear, biological. and chemical weapons. Third, one can say arms control in the Cold War was focused on controlling and blocking vertical proliferation, whereas the post-Cold War era emphasizes horizontal proliferation. The world is also shifting directions from nonto a more proactive means of response, counter-proliferation. Lastly, international arms control problems of the post-Cold War era can be viewed from the confrontational North-South relations. In other words,

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 군비통제의 국제적 통향과 특성

Ⅲ. 「테러사태」이후 국제정세 및 군비통제 전망

Ⅳ. 동아시아 군비증강의 현황과 전망

Ⅴ. ARF를 통한 다자간 군비통제의 가능성

Ⅵ. ARF를 통한 다자간 군비통제 활용방안

Ⅶ. 한반도 군비통제와 동아시아 군비통제

Ⅷ. 맺음말
