It is not difficult that new concept of warfare requires dramatical changes of not only force building structures but also national defense industry structures in near future. We can find a system in recent event that platform oriented industries in U. S. A. demolished or reduced after Gulfwar. A concept known as “information warfare” is rooted in the indisputable fact that information technologies are increasingly important to national security in general and to future warfare specifically which will increasingly by the struggle over information systems. Therefore, those who master the techniques of information warfare will find themselves at an advantage over those who have not: information warfare will relegate other, more traditional and conventional forms of warfare to the side lines. Now, we must accept a new paradigm of warfare which is for information warriors than maneuver warriors. It means that our force building policy have to change dramatically, may be after unification of Korea peninsula, and local defence industry to information defence industry. Information warfare force structure will requite defence industry change from quantitative based to quality based system. So, the MND policy will drive the defence industry changing to the high-tech oriented industry which can concentrated to the information warfare weapon system development rather than platform system only. This kind of changing will increase the dependency of commercially used technology and product to the development process. Function management system will be also shifted to project based management system.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 미래군사력 구조변화 전망
Ⅲ. 현 군사력구조 및 방산실태
Ⅳ. 21세기 국방과학기술 발전방향 예측
Ⅴ. 21세기 방산구조 및 정책변화 조망
Ⅵ. 결론