The main purpose of this study is: (1) to analyze the theory of “defensive defense” or “non - offense defense”in the political, strategic, operational, tactical, and technological level of war: (2) to explore the rationale and feasibility of this notion and theory to specific country and situation; (3) and to clarify the main components of what would presumably constitute a viable defensive defense in the conditions of new military technologies. The notion of “defensive defense” entered academic and political agendas in the course of the 1980s, spurred by, among other things, the increased focus that came to bear on conventional focus in general, and on their offensive capabilities in particular. “Defensive defense” connotes a particular configuration of armed forces intended to make them well adapted for defense, yet unsuitable for offensive purposes. This implies building down offensive capabilities and gradually approaching strictly defensive structure, doctrine, and war plan. Defensive defense is a potential security political instrument on the state level, as well as a military strategy. According to its proponents, defensive defense would provide the solution to the problems of war prevention and disarmament in a post-cold war setting by minimizing the capabilities, as well as the incentives, for waging wars of aggression, and by increasing the margin for unilateral arms builddown, facilitating arms control and disarmament. Therefore defensive defense would be the most significant contributive factor or a precondition for common security, mutual security, or cooperative security. Thus it is highly useful to attempt a critical analysis on the notion of defensive defense in preparing more stable peace and security of the post - cold war era. In this orientation, this study attempt to analyze the notion of “defensive defense” in the condition of new modern military technologies. It includes an analysis on relationship between defensive defense and common security, the implication of defensive defense in achieving the strategic stability, the method of defensive defense in the level of war and the type of service, the structure of defense zone and operation. application to specific country and situation, and clarification of the notion and the solution to such vulnerabilities. This study particularly focuses on the operational level of defensive defense and new technological advantages. From the analysis this study concludes that defensive defense could be applied to new security situation on the basis of mutual acceptance of this notion between conflicting parties. on the political level with regard to war prevention, defensive defense would be contributive to minimizing both incentives for and options of preventive and surprise attack and preemptive attack. With regard to facilitating arms control and disarmament, defensive defense would contribute to eliminating an important factor in the external armaments dynamics, as well as presumably having a benign effect on the internal dynamics. On the strategic and operational level of war, an in-depth dispersed defense system, compared to the “spider-and-web”, would be well workable in the condition of limited offensive capability on the strategic level of war, defensive defense constitutes a combination of a forward defense with a territorial defense. The defense based on the disperse system is composed of deliberated limitation of maneuver forces, coordinated retreat of troops, creation of the demilitarized zone, specialization of defense forces, maneuvering of fire power, enhanced utilization of reserve forces, establishment of web or mesh, highly, even simple, technological warning and communication system. On the operational level, an in-depth dispersed defense system (the spider - and - web) would be workable as a operational guideline. On the tactical level, it would enhance elusivenese and survivability. On the technological level,
Ⅰ. 서론:문제의 시대적 적실성
Ⅱ. “방어적 방위”의 개념과 효과
Ⅲ. 방어적 방위와 공동안보
Ⅳ. 방어적 방위의 방법
Ⅴ. 방어적 방위의 편성과 작전
Ⅵ. 결론