최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

[특집] 한국의 유럽정책 방향

Cooperation between Korea and EU in the 21st Century: Korea's Strategy

Korea and the European Union(EU) have been trading partners for a few decades since 1960s. Nevertheless, only very recently has bilateral cooperation risen high on the agenda of Korea-EU trade diplomacy. It is still true for both that economic relations with the U.S. and Japan are more important than with each other. Fortunately, recent circumstances have favored the promotion of Korea-ED cooperation. It seems timely that the EU Council of Ministers for the first time approved, on June 8 1993, a communication on “Relations between the ED and Korea: Towards a Growing Partnership”. In this report, the Council recognized that the level of exchanges with Korea should be further be developed in order to reflect the importance of both sides in new world order. The Council also expressed that cooperation between the ED and Korea should go hand in hand with the overall development of bilateral trade and economic relations. Since 19905, in terms of trade and investment, the ED has been more successful in penetrating the Korean market than the U.S. and Japan. This reflects its comparative advantage and benefits from the progressive opening of the Korean market. In particular, the ED has dynamically increased its exports to Korea in passenger cars, machinery and textile products. On the other hand, Korea enjoyed its performance in the EU market until 1988, after which Korean competitiveness suddenly dropped, with the exeption of some products such as motor vehicles, semi-conductors, and general machinery. This means that Korea is in process of restructuring of its exports toward heavy and chemical industry goods. However, the environment for Korea-EU economic cooperation has recently become favorable due to the fact that both Korea and the EU recognize the need for the expansion of economic cooperation while the necessary cooperative framework is being established. Moreover, with the first summit of the Asia-Eurpe Meeting(ASEM) in Bangkok in March of 1996, a new equal partnership between Asia and Europe has begun. Leaders of Asia and Europe met in Bangkok and London in 1998 to improve the understanding between the two regions and accelerate the already expanding economic and political cooperation of two continents. Korea's hosting of the third ASEM summit meeting in Seoul in 2000 will provide a unique opportunity for Korea to foster better relations with EU. As a part of Korea's unique leadership, Korea has also proposed the idea of the Asia-Europe Vision Group which will chart the future course of ASEM. Korea's unique position arises from the fact that Korean economy is undergoing transformation from developing to a developed economy. ASEM approaches the problem of bridging the weak ecbriomic link between Asia and Europe by enhancing shared understanding of each other. There is still a long way to go before ASEM could become a locomotive of trade and investment liberalization. However, ASEM could still provide forums for mutual networking between various facets of society in Asia and Europe and provide forums for bringing consensus on contentious issues between Asia and Europe. Korea's contribution to the growth of ASEM process will facilitate better relations between Korea and ED. Cultural misconceptions in Europe about Korea and those in Korea about Europe all undermine development of good relationship between two sides. Korea can play an effective role of moderator in difficult discussions which will be brought at ASEM. In the process, Korea's cooperation with EU will be enhanced.

Ⅰ. 서론: 연구의 목적

Ⅱ. 유럽통합의 현황과 전망

Ⅲ. 한ㆍ유럽 관계의 현황과 발전방향

Ⅳ. ASEM과 한ㆍ유럽 관계

Ⅴ. 결론

