North Korea appears to be undergoing considerable changes. In particular, social and economic changes which are unfavorable to North Korea, are noticeable. Due to economic stagnation after the mid-1980s and economic recession in the 1990s, the economy has deteriorated. In addition, this economic crisis incurred a lot of absurdities and deviant activities in the society and economy. Judging from this situation, some reports say that North Korea stands on the brink of collapse and that the collapse is only a matter of time. The North Korean people are suffering from triple difficulties, that is, food, energy and foreign currency shortages. The deep-seated problems of the North Korean economy are the structural dilemma and inefficiency which have been accumulated since the mid-1960s. Breakup of economic relations with other socialist countries is one of the major causes of economic recession in North Korea in the 1990s. Joint venture projects and limited opening policies, such as Rajin-Sonbong Free Economic and Trade Zone, which North Korea tried to avoid the economic stagnation, failed to attain the desired result This also aggravated its economic difficulties. Even the nature gave disasters to North Korea, namely the three bad floods in the summer of 1995. Present structure of the social class in North Korea is a product of the social control policy which sustain the North Korean society. For the past twenty years, the social status of the people has generally improved on the surface. However, considering the privilege of the nucleus class, which actually rules the North Korean society, has remained unchanged. We can realize how difficult and hard it is to rise in social status in North Korea. The North has consolidated a structure which is thoroughly ruled by the nucleus class, more particularly a certain power elite. Even in such a society in North Korea, office workers and professional workers, who are called the “new middle class” or “working intellectuals,” grew larger in numbers and improved in their knowledge. The North Korean authorities is worrying that these intellectuals may possibly convert into critics or unstable forces against the North Korean regime. Judging from such an anxiety, we can say that they brought more likelihood that North Korea will change. In addition, real earning differentials between nucleus class and non-nucleus one widened further apart. Even urbanization and improvement in education could possibly exert an undesirable effect on North Korea because it has been a strictly controlled society. With deteriorating economy, North Korean people cannot live on daily rations provided by the state. Under this serious situation, the people themselves cannot but seek self-help to make up with shortage of daily necessities and low-quality food. In this process, people begin to learn capitalistic means of living, as well as trends of individualism and materialism proliferated. Bribery became daily practice among all the people ranging from common citizen to senior officials. Pilferage and embezzlement are prevalent Such deviant activities of North Koreans were not limited within domestic problems but extended to breaking away from their regime for exile abroad. Another noticeable phenomenon since the mid-1990s, which is different from the past, is the increasing number of escapees including people in high class. Escapees, who were the North Korean elites before, imply clear evidence that something is wrong with the North Korean regime. Peasants are rarely estranged from their regime because their mobility is restricted more than other classes. Worsening economic difficulties transformed the North Korean socio-economic structure into a dual structure between official and non-official spheres. In addition, non-official one grew larger. Expansion of non-official sphere hinders fulfillment of state's plan, and it subsequently reproduces on an enlarged scale laxity and instability in the North
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 경제침체와 경제난의 실상
Ⅲ. 사회구조의 변화와 일탈행위의 증가
Ⅳ. 북한체제의 불안정과 대응방안