최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

[특집] 일본 방위정책의 새로운 구상

As the Cold War ended in 1990, Japan began to review its new security environment and national policies to enhance security There has been a lots of discussions on how Japan could contriwat of the in tevnationg securing and enhane its secarity in a post cold war. As a result, Japanese have reached tentative conclusion. They could be summarized as the improvement of ef ficiency and flexibility of Self Defense Forces, promotion of secu rity cooperation of various levels including peace keeping opera tions of UN, regional security dialogyes, and strengthening of Japan-US security cooperation. In the middle of the 1990s, however, the developments of inter national situation in East Asia has not been as benign as had been espected in the early 1990s. They are China's build up and modernization of People's Liberation Army, threathening of Tai wan, North Korea's nuclear programme and development of long distance missile of Rodong-1/2 and Dapodong, and the US response to them to name but a few. These developments has shown that East Asian international relations could be unstable nuless they are manged with care and determination. With these situation, Japan cannot simply reduce its defense buget in the ex pectation in the post-Cold War world it would be safer than be fore. Japanese defense buget for 1996 increased by 2.9% com pared to provious year. That was the up turn of reduction of in crease rate for six years. Particulary, budget for FSX was the most controversial point at this year's budget discussion for its high price for domestic production which was two times as high as that of import from the U.S. Also, Japanese government decided to esblish a information agency. The reason for these changes is that Japanese policy makers realized Japanese defense policy needed to take into account regional contingencies in Northeast Asia. Countries around Japan, however, have concerns and distrusts on Japan's defense policy. As Japan regard confidence among states as important, particulary, among China, Russia, Australia, and countries of Southeast Asia has explained them Japanese de fense policy for four years.

Ⅰ. 일본의 방위정책의 전제와 기본축

Ⅱ. 미일안보체제

Ⅲ. 방위정책의 각 기준

Ⅳ. 바람직한 새로운 방위력의 검토

