최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

[특집] 탈냉전 이후 한일안보협력체제의 방향과 제도화 방안

Korea-Japanese Security Cooperation in the Post-Cold War Era

Profound changes, including the end of the Cold War, in the international political economy have been decreasing the level of military tension. and promoting political and economic cooperation between states in the Northeast Asia. Those positive trends in the regon' s security environment. however. are accompanied with greater uncertainties. There exist uncertainties about the United States regional security role. longer-term security policy goals of regional powers. and the development of South - North Korean relations, in the post- Cold War era. It is not certain whether the Northeast Asian security complex will soon have its own dynamics. But there emerge various types of efforts by Northeast Asian states to meet new challenges in the post - Cold War security environment: expanding and modernizing armaments. resturcturing bilateral security relations . and/or pursuing a multilateral security regime. Those efforts may lead to shape an indigenous regional dynamics in the near future. While stressing the importance of maintaining the alliance with the United States. South Korea has taken up a positive policy to establish a network of bilateral security cooperation with regional powers. South Korea s security cooperation with those states is still in an early statge of confidnece-building. South Korea should. however, be cautious in taking a future course of security cooperation with Japan. China, and Russia. The evolution of many bilateral security arragements in the region may eventually lead to a system of multilateral security cooperation. But it can also result in increasing competition and confrontation between new coalitions. To advance its national security in the post-Cold War environment, South Korea should employ an expanded concept of security in defining security objectives and developing policy options. including Korea-Japanese security cooperation. Such a security concept goes beyond meeting definite threats through policies of deterrence and alliance. It also involves the dissolution of threats. and preparations against potential threats or instability in the long term. using every policy means-military. political and economic. By defining security broadly, South Korea can make the option of strenthening security cooperation with Japan, more complementary with other viable policy options-including those of promoting inter-Korean dialogues and economic cooperation. establishing bilateral security arragements with China and Russia. and starting a regional security dialogue. It is well-recognized that the legacy of Japanese colonialism and Japan s domestic factors. both structural and normative. make obstacles to the strengthening of Korea-Japanese security cooperation.. But there exists another obstacle in the conception of decision-makers in both states: they tend to see security cooperation as a means to deterrence against the northern threats. Close security cooperation for that purpose between Korea and Japan not only is difficult to be realized. but also will have very limited effect. South Korea should work out the following security arrangement with Japan in the future. First, South Korea should maintain military cooperation with Japan for the purpose of deterring North Korea, at the current level. Second, it should pursue closer cooperation with Japan to dissolve Chinese and Russian threats through political and economic means, rather than to strengthen deterrence. Remaining under the U. S. shield of extended deterrnece, South Korea and Japan should cooperate in promoting confidence building measures and security cooperation, bilateral and multilateral, in the region. Third, in working out a stronger security relationship with Japan. South Korea's decision-makers should not see it merely as a means to national security. It must be also regarded as an integral part of establishing a friendly and cooperative relationship with Japan.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 안보환경의 불확실성, 광의의 안보개념, 그리고 한일 안보협력체제

Ⅲ. 한ㆍ일 안보협력관계의 실제와 바람직한 방향

Ⅳ. 결론: 한일 안보협력의 제도화 방안

