Syntax-semantics mismatch refers to a phenomenon whereby a part of a sentence appears to be attributive in form, but is in fact semantically matched with other syntactic components. Throughout previous research on the phenomenon of syntax-semantics mismatch, there has been a certain consensus in the academic community on some issues. It is believed that the syntax-semantics mismatch structure can be mainly divided into two types: pseudo possession and pseudo nominal quantity. The syntax-semantics mismatch structure is not a prototype structure, but a transformation from a certain prototype structure. The NP2 in the syntax-semantics mismatch structure is an undirected component. In addition, there are still some issues in the academic community that have not reached consensus. Different scholars have different opinions on the issue of whether there is a possessive relationship within the syntax-semantics mismatch structure (pseudo possessive). Some scholars believe that there is no possessive relationship between NP1 and NP2 within the form meaning mismatch structure, while others hold the opposite view. In terms of the mechanism of the formation of the syntax-semantics mismatch structures, different scholars have different research perspectives, and scholars with the same research perspective also have specific differences in their viewpoints. The article reviews previous research from three aspects: the qualitative nature of the syntax-semantics mismatch structure, the semantic characteristics of the syntax-semantics mismatch structure, and the generation mechanism of the syntax-semantics mismatch structure. It also briefly summarizes the existing problems in current research.
1. 引言
2. 形义错配的定性
3. 形义错配的语义特征
4. 形义错配的产生机制
5. 结语