최근 검색어 전체 삭제
중국학(구중국어문론집) 第85輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널


An Analysis of the Popular Phenomenon of “Fo Xi X” in the View of Language Meme Theory

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2023.85.85.6
  • 44


“Fo Xi” has become popular on the Internet since the end of 2017 and attracted widespread attention. Under the framework of “Fo Xi X”, people create many “Fo Xi” expressions according to different communication contexts, such as “Fo Xi Raising Children”, “Fo Xi Chasing Stars”, “Fo Xi Employees”, etc. It is obvious that the buzzword “Fo Xi X” has significant memetic qualities. At present, domestic researches on “Fo Xi” are mostly carried out from the perspectives of communication, culture, and sociology. Although a small number of scholars have analyzed the formation and dissemination of “Fo Xi” from the perspective of linguistics such as cognition and semantics, there is no scholar who has integrated internal factors such as structural, semantic, and pragmatic features, with external factors such as subjectivity and contextualization to analyze the influence on the generation, reproduction and spread of the linguistic meme “Fo Xi X” based on memetics. From the perspective of memetic theory, this thesis makes a tentative exploration of “Fo Xi X” expression, and provides a relatively comprehensive explanation of the internal and external factors that affect the generation, reproduction and dissemination of this expression, as well as the pragmatic functions that “Fo Xi X” expression realizes in the process of communication, which supplies a reference for the application of memetics to the study of language phenomena and enriches the case study of Internet buzzwords to a certain extent.

1. 绪论

2. ”佛系X“语言模因的特征、机制及影响因素

3. “佛系X“语言模因的语用功能

4. 结论
