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KCI등재 학술저널

조선 왕실 의례 속의 여성과 한글 문헌의 역할

The Role of Women and Hangeul Documents in Joseon Royal Rituals: Focusing on the Ceremony of Awarding Honorific Titles and Court Feast of 1827

DOI : 10.17090/kcwls.2023..47.45
  • 8

1827년(순조 27)의 존숭례(尊崇禮)와 진작례(進爵禮)를 기록한 의궤에는 한글 문헌의 종류뿐만 아니라 제작 물품과 수량, 이용자 등에 이르기까지 구체적인 기록들이 다수 수록되어 있다. 당시 의례는 효명세자가 대리청정을 시작한 뒤 처음으로 거행하여 전례와 다른 부분이 많았으므로 일반적인 사례로 보기는 어려우나, 여성의 역할과 한글 문헌의 제작 관련성을 밝히는 데에는 매우 좋은 사례라고 할 수 있다. 두 의례는 원손(元孫, 훗날의 憲宗)의 탄생을 기념하여 왕과 왕비에게 존호(尊號)를 올리고 이를 축하하는 의식으로서, 모두 창경궁(昌慶宮) 자경전(慈慶殿) 곧 내전(內殿)에서 거행됨에 따라 여성의 참여율이 높았다. 이에 따라 다수의 한글 문헌이 제작될 수 있었다. 의례의 주인공인 왕비에게는 의주(儀註)·홀기(笏記)·책문(冊文)·보문(寶文)·치사(致辭)·전문(箋文)·악장(樂章)의 한글본이 제공되었으며, 왕세자빈과 공주에게는 그들의 이름으로 올리는 치사와 의주 및 홀기의 한글본이 제공되었다. 특히 진작례와 관련된 의궤(儀軌)는 왕비와 왕세자빈을 위하여 언해본이 제작되었다는 점에서 주목할 만하다. 여관(女官)과 여령(女伶)에게는 그들이 직접 낭독하는 책문·보문·치사·전문과 창(唱)의 대본이 되는 홀기·악장의 한글본이 제공되었다. 본 연구에서는 의궤 기록을 바탕으로 이용자의 신분과 역할에 따라 다르게 제작된 한글 문헌의 종류와 수량, 제작 물품 등을 구체적으로 분석하여 규명하였다.

This paper presents a case study to evaluate the purposes and qualities of diverse Hangeul documents manufactured for ceremonies encompassing the queen and the crown princess in the Joseon dynasty. The analysis focuses on the Ceremony of Awarding Honorific Titles and the Court Feast in 1827 (27th year of King Sunjo's reign), which produced a relatively large number of Hangeul documents. The ceremony differed from previous ones as the king and queen were bestowed honorific titles to celebrate the birth of a crown prince. Additionally, it was conducted in the Jagyeongjeon Hall, or inner hall, of Changgyeonggung Palace, where the king and queen had separate ceremonies. As the rituals conducted within the inner court comprised not only the queen but also women from different social classes such as the crown princess, princesses, court maidens, and female performers, the production of Hangeul documents was certain to facilitate these ceremonies. The main participant of the ritual, the queen, received a Korean and Chinese version of the following documents: explanation of ritual 儀註, portable record of ritual protocol 笏記, investiture letter 冊文, seal inscription 寶文, praise 致辭, congratulatory message 箋文, and lyric 樂章. At this time, the Korean version of the ritual was a Hangeul transliteration of the Chinese version. The crown princess and participating princesses received only the Hangeul transliteration of the praise recited in their honor, as well as Hangeul transliterations of the explanation of the ritual and a portable record of the ritual protocol to help them understand the entire ritual procedure. In addition, court maidens and female performers who assisted the queen and crown princess and served as practitioners in the ritual were provided with both Korean transliterations and Chinese versions of the portable record of the ritual protocol and the lyrics, which are the scripts of the jade investment letter, jade seal inscription, praise, congratulatory message, and songs that they would recite. It is important to note that the Royal Protocol for the Court Feast was produced not only for the king's perusal and for various departments' storage but also included a Chinese version and Korean translation for the queen and the crown princess, respectively Different types of Hangeul documents were produced based on the roles of women who participated in rituals. Depending on the user's status, they wrote on different types of paper and decorated the cover with various fabric types and colors. Thus, while the content remained the same, the documents' appearances varied significantly.

1. 머리말

2. 왕실 의례와 한글 문헌의 관계

3. 한글 문헌의 종류와 특징

4. 맺음말
