Purpose: This study aims to understand the awareness, and practices of nursing students regarding patient medical information protection (PMIP). Methods: This study is a descriptive correlational research to determine the relationship between awareness and practice of PMIP. Data collection took place from August 1 to 15, 2022, with 119 nursing students from a nursing college in Daegu, South Korea. Differences in awareness and practice of PMIP according to general characteristics were analyzed using independent t-tests and one-way ANOVA. The correlation between awareness and practices was analyzed using Pearson correlation. Results: The awareness for PMIP of nursing students (4.35±0.43) was significantly higher than the performance score (4.20±0.57). By domain, the Awareness in the management domain was the highest, linked with the performance in the referral of tasks domain. However, the perception and performance scores were lower in the communication domain. PMIP awareness showed significant differences based on education type, direct lectures, and religion. Performance were higher when the education venue was the university. There was a strong correlation between nursing students’ awareness and practice of PMIP. Conclusion: To enhance nursing students’ awareness and practices in patient personal information protection, the development of educational programs reflecting the higher effectiveness of school-based education compared to hospital-based education is necessary.
Conflicts of Interest