The History of the Khori People: Exploring Links to the Korean Gojoseon Civilization Through Archaeology, Genetics, and Cultural Parallels
The History of the Khori People: Exploring Links to the Korean Gojoseon Civilization Through Archaeology, Genetics, and Cultural Parallels
This article explores the complex and controversial origins of the Khori, an ethnic subgroup within the broader Buryat nationality in Russia. It provides a thorough analysis of the conflicting theories surrounding the Khori's ancestral roots. Some hypotheses suggest links with ancient Mongolian groups such as the Donghu or Xianbei, while others suggest links with Paleo-Asiatic tribes. One intriguing aspect of Khori folklore revolves around the legend of their progenitor, Khoridoi, who is said to have married a swan maiden. This legend not only suggests possible Turkish influences, but also alludes to the importance of the swan as a totemic symbol in their culture. However, while these legends provide valuable cultural insights, the bulk of the empirical evidence seems to suggest that the Khori were not the original inhabitants of the Baikal region. Instead, the evidence points to a later migration to the area, with ancestral ties possibly leading to a place called Nayan-Navaa, probably in Inner Asia. The article suggests that the Khori probably began their migration to the Baikal region somewhere between the 7th and 10th centuries AD. This places them on the historical timeline after Turkic groups such as the Kurykans had made their mark, but before the influx of Mongolian groups. There is therefore an urgent need for further research into the Khori's ancestral legends and early migration patterns. This additional research is essential to clarify their origins before attempting to establish definitive links with ancient groups such as the Xianbei or Donghu. In conclusion, the article highlights the complex nature of the Khori's ethnogenesis and offers a nuanced perspective that encourages further scholarly investigation and a deeper understanding of their historical and cultural background.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Rumyantsev's Perspective on Khori Ethnogenesis
Ⅲ. Tsydendambaev's Theory Linking Khori to Xianbei
Ⅳ. Nimaev's Hypothesis on Bayyrku and Khori-Tumat
Ⅴ. Dashibalov on Hori-Mongol Origins
Ⅵ. Conclusion