블랙 팬서 서사의 1966-2022년 진화가 초래한 미국흑인 독자의 인지 해방과 미학적 각성
African-American Readers’ Cognitive Liberation and Aesthetic Awakening Caused by the 1966-2022 Evolution of the Black Panther Narrative
This paper is a reader-response approach to the Black Panther narrative. The African-American fans of the Black Panther character initially functioned as the “implied readers” of “double consciousness,” given that the genre of comics originated in a predominantly ‘white-bread’ context. Under such racial circumstances, early black readers experienced a dual sense of alienation from and hunger for the genres of comics and cinema. However, with the change in the consciousness of the writers and artists of the Black Panther series, its narrative managed to break away from the Marvel framework. And as the narrative grew in complexity, there were also cognitive liberation and aesthetic awakening among readers who actively responded to the changes. The active responses of those black readers can be associated with the vision of Afrofuturism. As they engage in a reception ceremony to celebrate the existence of black superheroes and eagerly anticipate the arrival of future Black Panther narratives, they contribute to ushering in another phase of Afrofuturism.
Ⅰ. 블랙 팬서 서사의 계보와 독자
Ⅱ. 흑인 슈퍼히어로의 탄생을 바라보는 미국흑인 독자의 “이중” 반응
Ⅲ. 블랙 팬서 서사의 복잡화가 초래한 독자의 인지 해방과 미학적 각성
Ⅳ. 블랙 팬서 독자가 여는 아프로-미래주의