최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Global and Area Studies Review (GAS) Vol.1, No.1.jpg

Study on the drinking vessel in the stone hall image of Yuhong Tomb in Taiyuan, China

Study on the drinking vessel in the stone hall image of Yuhong Tomb in Taiyuan, China

  • 29

【背景】山西省考古工作者隋代虞弘墓于1999 年在太原市王郭村被发掘,其葬具仅存为汉白玉材质石堂,该石堂外观呈仿木构三开间 歇山顶式殿堂建筑,由长扁方体底座、中部墙板和歇山顶三大部分组成。石堂四周内外皆为雕绘,由五十四幅单体图像组合而成,图案内容丰富,图像中的人物形象、服饰、器皿、乐器、舞蹈以及花草树木等,均于波斯与中亚诸国相关,对研究丝绸之路与古代东西文化交流也有极重要的意义。【目的】本研究旨在探讨太原虞弘墓石堂图像中的酒器,重点分析其文化和艺术价值。通过对酒器图像的研究,揭示丝绸之路文化交流中的艺术融合。【方法】研究采用图像分析和历史文献比对,对虞弘墓中石堂图像中的酒器进行详细分类和风格分析,特别关注Rhyton、Poluo 和高脚杯等类型的酒器起源与演变,强调了它们的文化意义和风格特征。【结果】结果显示,这些酒器融合了波斯、粟特、罗马和中国本土的艺术元素,反映了丝绸之路在促进不同文化间艺术交流和传统吸收中的重要作用。【结论】研究表明,虞弘墓石堂图像中的酒器不仅是艺术作品,也是文化交流的见证。这些发现对于理解丝绸之路上的文化互动以及对中国丰富文化遗产的贡献至关重要。

[Background] The tomb of Yuhong of Sui Dynasty was excavated in Wangguo Village, Taiyuan City in 1999 by archaeologists from Shanxi Province. The only remaining burial equipment was the marble hall made of white marble. The stone hall was a wood-like three-open intermittent hill-top hall, consisting of a long flat square base, a central wall panel and a mountain top. Both inside and outside the stone hall are carved and painted, composed of 54 single images, rich in pattern content. The figures, costumes, utensils, Musical Instruments, dances, flowers and trees in the images are all related to Persia and Central Asian countries, and are also of great significance to the study of the Silk Road and the ancient East-West cultural exchanges.[Objective]This study aims to explore the wine vessels depicted in the stone chamber images of the Yuhong Tomb in Taiyuan, with a focus on analyzing their cultural and artistic value. Through the study of the wine vessel images, the research seeks to reveal the artistic fusion in the cultural exchange along the Silk Road.[Method]The study utilizes image analysis and comparison with historical literature to categorize and analyze the wine vessels depicted in the stone chamber of the Yuhong Tomb in detail, with particular attention to the origins and evolution of wine vessel types such as Rhyton, Poluo, and tall-footed cups. It emphasizes their cultural significance and stylistic features. [Results]The findings indicate that these wine vessels integrate artistic elements from Persia, Sogdiana, Rome, and indigenous Chinese culture, reflecting the significant role of the Silk Road in promoting artistic exchange and traditional absorption between different cultures.[Conclusion]The study demonstrates that the wine vessels depicted in the stone chamber images of the Yuhong Tomb are not only artistic works but also evidence of cultural exchange. These discoveries are crucial for understanding the cultural interactions along the Silk Road and the contributions to China's rich cultural heritage.


1. 虞弘墓石堂图像中表现的葡萄酒文化的传承

2. 虞弘墓石堂饮酒器图像分析研究

3. 结论

