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KCI등재 학술저널

신라 고분 부장 금속용기의 등장과 전개

The Appearance and Development of Metal Container in Silla Ancient Tombs

DOI : 10.20292/jcich.2024.43.103
  • 54

삼국시대 고분 부장품에서 금속용기가 차지하는 비중은 그리 크지 않다. 금속용기의 부장이 두드러진 것은 경주의 적석목곽분이며, 신라양식 토기가 부장된 대구, 경산, 창녕, 양산, 포항의 고분에서도 금속용기가 부장되었다. 따라서 금속용기의 부장은 신라 고분 특징의 하나로 볼 수 있다. 이 글에서는 금속용기의 부장 고분에 대한 개별 유구를 집성한 후, 부장된 금속용기의 기종과 수량에 대하여 파악하였다. 금속용기는 재질별, 기종별 조합에 대하여 살펴본 후 금속용기 조합이 가지는 의미에 대하여 살펴보았다. 이와 같은 신라 고분 부장 금속용기의 기종조합을 통해 고분의 위계에 대하여 파악하고, 지역별 전개 양상의 차별성에 주목하여 금속용기에 대한 종합적 고찰을 통해 금속용기 부장이 갖는 의미에 대하여 살펴보았다. 구체적으로, 경주를 비롯한 경주 외 지역의 고분에서 출토된 금속용기를 취합하여 금속용기의 전개과정과 금속용기 부장의 단계를 구분하고 신라 고분에 부장된 금속용기의 시공간적 양상을 통해 그것이 가지는 의미에 대하여 설명했다.

The purpose of this study is to focus on the burial of metal containers, which is a features of ancient tombs from the Silla Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms, to gather metal containers buried in ancient tombs and graves in and outside of Gyeongju to trace the meaning of burying metal containers with the dead in the Silla society. Metal containers buried in the ancient tombs of Silla range in materials from gold to silver, gilt bronze, bronze, and steel, and also have diverse types such as personal plates for food call gobae, wan, sohap, etc., cooking containers such as sotga and siru, storage containers such as janggyeongho, and even containers used for rituals like jeong, chodu, and choho. Burial of such metal containers are materialistic expressions of burial customs and belief of the afterlife are concentrated in Gyeongju, which was the center of Silla, while being buried in ancient tombs in some other areas outside of Gyeongju. Therefore, this study conducted analysis focusing on two aspects. metal containers buried in ancient tombs were reviewed to examine the types of metal containers, while on the other hand. Results of this showed that in addition to the temporal development mode of ancient tombs in which metal containers were buried, this practice spread to areas outside of Gyeongju as time passed. Based on this, the meaning of burying metal containers in tombs of the Silla society was evaluated. Meanwhile, the burial of metal containers also had social meaning. In the center of Silla, multiple metal containers with various materials and types were buried in the greatest tombs, and this custom of burying metal containers spread to the tombs of people of lower status. It is evident that in the fifth century and latter Silla Dynasty, the burial of metal containers was widely practiced among the upper echelons in central Silla. Burial of metal containers outside of Gyeongju were found after the late 5th century, and among the various regions that shared the ancient tomb culture of Silla, metal containers were found only in the ancient tombs of Gyeongsan, Daegu, Changnyeong, and Yangsan, and therefore, it was judged that this could be interpreted as the relationship between the central and local governments. Just like other artifacts that show hierarchy, the burial of metal containers can also hint to the relationship of the central and local regions, and it can be presumed that areas with ancient tombs that buried metal containers had higher status compared to other regions.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 금속용기 부장 고분

Ⅲ. 금속용기 기종조합

Ⅳ. 금속용기의 전개와 의미

Ⅴ. 맺음말
