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Journal of Education and Teaching 제2권 제2호.jpg


The Enlightenment of Existentialist Educational Thought:Core Perspectives, Dialectical Analysis, and Enlightenment for Modernization of Education in China

DOI : 10.59825/jet.2024.2.2.1


From existentialism to existentialist education, this ideological school has exerted a certain influence worldwide. Currently, countries around the world attach great importance to cultivating innovative talents and building strong education systems, and China is also making continuous progress on the path of educational modernization. As a major branch of educational philosophy, existentialist education still holds many valuable insights. The core of existentialist education lies in “self-education”, advocating a student-centered approach, establishing a new and equal teacher-student relationship, and emphasizing life education. These valuable insights have provided inspiration for the development of China's educational modernization. We should take the essence and discard the dross. In the future, we should persist in a student-centered approach, emphasizing individualized education and talent development. We should establish a “dual-subject teaching model” that promotes equal interaction between teachers and students. We should also emphasize the strengthening of life education, timely improve and innovate curriculum content. Furthermore, we should comprehensively enhance students’ ability for “self-education”, enabling them to engage in conscious and lifelong learning, truly improving the quality of education, and realizing the ideals of existentialism in reality.

Ⅰ. 引言

Ⅱ. 存在主义教育思想的核心观点

Ⅲ. 存在主义教育思想的辩证分析

Ⅳ. 存在主义教育思想对中国教育现代化的启示

Ⅴ. 结语
