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OBE 理念下计算机网络课程教学改革研究

Research on the Teaching Reform of Computer Network Courses under the OBE Concept

DOI : 10.59825/jet.2024.2.2.17
  • 4

计算机网络是网络工程及相关专业的核心课程,对后续的专业学习有支撑作用。针对传统计算机网络教学中课程理论繁杂应用性差,缺乏主动学习的激励机制、学生学习的自我效能感低以及过程性评价缺乏等痛点问题,提出基于OBE 教育理念的混合式教学总体思路以及“F-BOPPPS+M+N”的教学模式,通过改革前后数据对照结果显示,该课程在理论测试及实验测评等环节的达成度明显提升。本文分别从教学目标、教学内容、教学资源、教学方法、教学模式等方面介绍改革路径,最后介绍改革效果。

Computer network is the core course of network engineering and related majors, which provides support for subsequent professional learning. In response to the pain points of traditional computer network teaching, such as the complexity of course theory and poor applicability, lack of incentive mechanisms for active learning, low self-efficacy of students in learning, and lack of process evaluation, this paper proposes a hybrid teaching approach based on the OBE education concept and a teaching model of “F-BOPPPS+M+N/”. The results of data comparison before and after the reform show that, The achievement level of this course has significantly improved in theoretical testing and experimental evaluation. This article introduces the reform path from the aspects of teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching resources, teaching methods, teaching modes, etc. Finally, the reform effect is introduced.

Ⅰ. 引言

Ⅱ. 计算机网络课程教学改革概况

Ⅲ. 计算机网络课程改革成效与特色

Ⅳ. 计算机网络课程建设计划与未来方向
