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Монгол болон Өвөр Монгол суралцагчдын өөрийн удирдлага, зохицуулалттай суралцахуйд хийсэн шинжилгээ

Research on self-regulated learning of pupils in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia

Self-directed and regulated learning of Mongolian and Inner Mongolian students (Concentration on learning, self-directed learning, satisfaction with learning results) The questions developed by Korean researcher Ki Hong Kim (2019) with 79 questions in group 3 are “Translated into Korean- Mongolian language, the reliability was checked by re-translating the results into Mongolian- Korean language. In addition, it was retranslated into the “Mongol-Uigarjin Mongolian” script. After checking the reliability of the results of the questionnaires (Cronbach’s Alpha higher than 0.7), the study was organized with 65 questionnaires in 3 groups. A total of 507 students participated, of which 184 (36.3%) were male, 323 (63.7%) were female, 30.6% of 229 students from Mongolia were male, 69.4% were female, and 41% were male and 59 were female from 278 students of Inner Mongolia. In addition, 61.1% of the 252 students of the 10th grade were from Mongolia, 40.3% were students of Inner Mongolia, 22.3% of 157 students of the 11th grade were from Mongolia, and 38.1% were students of Inner Mongolia. When processing the research results, SPSS 29 software was used to process summary statistics and the reliability of the questions was checked by Cronbach’s Alpha using Reliability Statistics, as well as Independent Samples Test and ANOVA test to clarify whether there were statistically significant differences between the research questions in terms of gender, class, age, and two countries. methods were used. According to some results, the results were better than those of the students of Inner Mongolia. It can be seen that students in Mongolia set effective time for self-regulated learning and prefer individual learning.

Ⅰ. Оршил

Ⅱ. Үндсэн хэсэг

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Ⅳ. Дүгнэлт
