최근 검색어 전체 삭제
AI와 인간사회 제5권 제1호.jpg

「미움받는 사람들」에 재현된 소셜 미디어 환경과 인간

The Social Media Environment and Humans in “Hated in the Nation”

  • 135

The objective of this essay is to analyze the dynamics between social media and human behavior, with a particular focus on “Hated in the Nation,” an episode from the British TV series Black Mirror . Drawing on Marshall McLuhan's concept of “the extensions of man,” this paper delves into social media as the central theme of the show. Through this examination, the argument put forth is that social media transcends its role as mere communication tools; instead, it serves as an all-encompassing environment in which individuals are immersed in “Hated in the Nation.” Furthermore, it contends that this pervasive social media environment contributes to a diminished sense of self-awareness and ‘numbness’ to media content. It is essential to recognize that such numbness can lead to tragic consequences, as vividly portrayed in “Hated in the Nation.”

Ⅰ. 들어가며: “블랙 미러”와 그 의미

Ⅱ. 「미움받는 사람들」에 대한 반성적 고찰

Ⅲ. 나가면서

