최근 검색어 전체 삭제
유통과학연구(JDS) 제22권 제3호.jpg

Financial Development and Economic Growth: Credit Distribution in Southeast Asian Countries

Financial Development and Economic Growth: Credit Distribution in Southeast Asian Countries

DOI : 10.15722/jds.22.03.202403.49

Purpose: Research on financial development plays a crucial role in guiding and implementing policies for both financial development and economic growth. This study aims to evaluate the impact of financial development on the economic growth of Southeast Asian countries. Research design, data and methodology: The research utilizes data from 11 Southeast Asian countries from 2015 to 2022. Financial development data is proxied by credit distribution in private sector. Results: Based on the analysis using the FGLS model, it indicates that financial development has a positive impact on the economic growth of Southeast Asian countries. In addition, the study also examines the impact of state investment costs and FDI investment on economic growth. The results also show that foreign direct investment flows still play an important role in Southeast Asian countries (FDI has a positive impact on economic growth). State investment costs also impact economic growth, showing that the development of public investment also brings good development to countries. Conclusions: These results suggest that credit policies for financial development in general, and the development of private credit in particular, play a significant role in these countries. Building a system to promote the activities of private sector economies will help stimulate the economic development of Southeast Asian countries.

1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

3. Method

4. Result

5. Conclusion

6. Implications, Limitations and furture research

