최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Social Science Development Research Vol.1 No.2.jpg

Exploring the role of Web 3.0 in the culture conservation

Exploring the role of Web 3.0 in the culture conservation

This article explores the potential of Web 3.0 technology to transform the field of cultural conservation. By introducing the history of internet and display the limitations of current cultural protection methods, people could see Web 3.0 offers innovative solutions for preserving, accessing, and engaging with cultural heritage. The revolutionary impact of this technology on traditional methods of cultural preservation and suggests its transformative potential in enhancing accessibility, engagement, and preservation efforts worldwide. This technology provides new tools and opportunities for preserving, accessing, and engaging with cultural heritage. With Web 3.0, people can create decentralized networks that can provide secure and transparent access to digital assets, including cultural artifacts.
