최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Social Science Development Research Vol.1 No.2.jpg

Explore the new mode of development of artificial intelligence technology in the field of music education

Explore the new mode of development of artificial intelligence technology in the field of music education

This paper discusses the new mode and development trend of artificial intelligence technology in the field of music education. Firstly, it analyzes the challenges and limitations of the traditional music education model, and then introduces the application of artificial intelligence technology in music education, including intelligent auxiliary learning tools, personalized learning systems, virtual reality and augmented reality technology, and artificial intelligence and creative music education. Then, the new model of artificial intelligence technology in music education is discussed in depth, including the design and implementation of intelligent music learning platform, personalized learning path and course recommendation system, intelligent evaluation and feedback mechanism, cross-border integration and innovative application. Finally, it looks forward to the future development trend of artificial intelligence technology in music education, emphasizes the potential of intelligent technology in improving teaching efficiency, enriching learning experience and expanding subject boundaries, and also points out the challenges and problems.
