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KCI등재 학술저널

人文地理学视域中明末朝鲜使臣海路使行研究: 以济南府长山县城与济南府邹平县城之间的路线为中心

A Humanities-geographical Study on the Records of Joseon Diplomats through the Sea-route in the Late Period of Ming Dynasty: Focusing on the Route between Jinan Changshanxian and Zoupingxian of Shandong

DOI : 10.35222/IHSU.2024.43.1.117
  • 69

朝鲜使臣通常利用通过辽东半岛的陆路, 来往明朝京师, 但明初洪武、建文年间(1369-1402)与明末天启、崇祯(1621-1636)年间使臣们通过海路由黄海进入登洲港(如今山东省蓬莱县)后,横穿过山东登州府等地区, 开往明朝京师。 本论文通过人文地理学的视角, 以明末朝鲜使臣通过山东济南府长山县与邹平县之间路段时记录并遗留的使行文献为主要研究对象, 再加上与中国历史书、地方志等相关文献进行对照, 重构和考证朝鲜使臣经由的使行路线和地名; 并通过现场考察与采访的方式进一步确认文献研究的正确性和可靠性。 另外在这些研究基础上, 再次对朝鲜使臣写下来的诗文进行作为纪行文学和咏史文学的研究。 研究结果显示, 朝鲜使行录记录中, 有的部分是相关中国地方志部分内容的汇总; 有的部分相关中国方志和历史文献上没有任何记载的内容, 比如明代“孝妇河”上木桥的具体名称为“绿杨桥”的事实、在长山县西五里处有“汉雍齿之墓”碑刻的事实等, 这些都对中国史志的相关记载较为重要的补充。 另外朝鲜使臣在渡过孝妇河后, 经“雍齿墓”、邹平县后, 到达章丘县城。 在路过“雍齿墓”时, 有几位使臣有感而发, 各自留下了雍齿墓相关诗篇。 这些使臣写的诗都属于一种纪行咏史诗, 都基于汉高祖刘邦不顾对雍齿个人的不好感情, 接受张良所提雍齿封侯的良策, 成功安抚众将不满和忧虑的同一历史故事写下来的, 但是对雍齿评论态度有所不同。 这主要是由于他们在朝鲜朝廷上的政治立场的差异引起的, 这些观点有待今后进一步研究。

Joseon diplomats generally used land routes through the Liaodong Peninsula to visit the capital of the Ming Dynasty. However, during the period of Hongwu-Jianwen emperor in the early Ming Dynasty and the period of Tianqi-Chongzheng emperor in the late Ming Dynasty, they sailed through the Yellow Sea to enter the port(Dengzhou) and then used the land route to arrive at the capital of the Ming Dynasty via Shandong Peninsula and Henan Province. This paper reexamines the travel routes and place names used by Joseon diplomats when passing through the area between Changshan and Zouping in the western part of Shandong from a humanities- geographical perspective, comparing the records left by the Joseon diplomats with documents such as Chinese historical records and geographical books. Furthermore, we conducted on-site inspections and interviews to reconfirm the accuracy and reliability of the documentary research. Subsequently, we analyzed and researched the poems and writings left by Joseon diplomats from the perspectives of travel literature and historical literature, based on the results of previous research. As a result, some of the records of the Joseon envoys were compiled by quoting contents from the local Chinese records at that time, while others contained new information that was not recorded in any related local records or Chinese historical texts. For example, the specific name of the wooden bridge over the Xiaofuhe river is “lüyangqiao” and there is a monument called “Yongchi's Tomb” located 5 li west of Changshanxian. These serve as relatively important supplementary materials for Chinese historians and local records. Meanwhile, the envoys of Joseon passed through “Yongchi's Tomb” after crossing Xiaofuhe river and arrived at Zoupingxian. Some of the envoys felt historical reflections when passing “Yongchi's Tomb” and left poems on the subject of “Yongchi's Tomb” These poems written by the envoys can be considered as a kind of travelogue poetry. These poems were written based on a common narrative that tells of how Liufang accepted ZhangLiang's strategy to appoint Yongchi as a feudal lord without considering his personal feelings towards Yongchi, successfully quelling the dissatisfaction and concerns of many generals. However, the evaluation of Ongchi varied among the diplomats based on their differing political positions within the Joseon court. This perspective necessitates further advanced research in the future.

Ⅰ. 前言

Ⅱ. 孝妇河(盐河)

Ⅲ. 绿杨桥

Ⅳ. 雍齿墓

Ⅴ. 結語

