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수산과학연구소 논문집 제32권 제2호.jpg

양태 (Platycephalus indicus)의 외부 형태 및 골격계

Description of External Morphology and Osteology of the Bartail Flathead, Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus, 1758)

DOI : 10.22714/SFO.2023.32.2.5
  • 18

The family Platychephalidae requires detailed information on external morphology and skeletal characteristics due to its morphological similarity. We collected five specimens from the Jungang fish market in Yeosu to describe the morphological and osteological characteristics of Platycephalus indicus. The body shape was flat, with a large head and a laterally flattened abdomen, giving the body a low triangular cross-section. The eyes were located above the cranium, and the lower jaw was longer than the upper jaw, with two spines on the preopercle. The internal skeleton consisted of the cranium and jaw bone, suspensorium, orbital bone, hyoid arch, shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle, vertebrae, and caudal skeleton. Among the suborbital bones, the size of the second suborbital bone was the largest, narrowing and tapering towards the front. The hypural is five, and there is one parapophysis above the parhypural. The first and second hypurals and the third and fourth hypurals were fused, respectively. This study will contribute to classifying the family Platycephalidae by providing detailed descriptions of the morphology of P. indicus.


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