한국 남서해안 퇴적상에 따른 잘피 서식지의 분포 현황 분석
Distribution of Eelgrass Habitats According to the Sedimentary Facies of the Southwest Coast of Korea
- 전남대학교 수산과학연구소
- 수산과학연구소 논문집
- 제32권 제2호
- 2024.02
- 127 - 133 (7 pages)
In order to know the sedimentary facies information of southwest coast of Korea, a DB of 4,026 surface sediment information was constructed based on the sedimentary information provided by KHOA (Korea Hydrography Oceanographic Agency) and the results of other researchers. Through a reclassification process using the GIS method, it was divided into six sedimentary facies distribution areas (RDA: Rock Dominated Area, GDA: Gravel Dominated Area, SDA: Sand Dominated Area, MSDA: Muddy Sand Dominated Area, SMDA: Sandy Mud Dominated Area, MDA: Mud Dominated Area). As a results of the study, the eelgrass habitat was highest at 72.70% in MDA, followed by 10.33% in GDA, followed by SMDA (6.90%), MSDA (5.52%), SDA (4.35%), and RDA (0.20%). The reason for the high distribution value of eelgrass habitats in mud dominant sediment seems to be due to the high porosity of mud sediment containing high concentrations of nutrient salts.
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