원자력규제기관활동이 방사선작업종사자의 원자력규제정책 만족도에 미치는 매개효과(mediation effect) 분석
Analysis of the mediation effect of nuclear regulatory agency activities on radiation workers’satisfaction with nuclear regulatory policy
방사선작업종사자의 방사선에 의한 재해방지를 위해 방사선작업종사자의 업종별 평균피폭선량이 높을수록 원자력 및 방사선안전 규제기관의 규제수준은 강화되어야 하는 것은 합목적성과 상당성을 갖는다. 따라서 원자력규제기관은 방사선에 노출되는 위험의 정도에 따라 원자력사업자 유형별로 원자력이용시설의 방사선안전관련 인・허가 기준과 기술기준을 다르게 적용하여야한다. 본 연구는 한정된 행정・재정적 자원을 가진 원자력규제기관의 입장에서 원자력사업자의 규제대상부문의 우선순위를 효율적으로 정하고 증거기반 행정을 접목해 규제행정의 과학화를 도모하고자 수행하였다. 방사선작업종사자 2000명을 대상으로 실시한 「2021년도 원자력안전 설문조사」결과를 활용해, 원자력규제기관의 활동을 매개로 방사선작업종사자의 원자력규제정책 만족도가 어떻게 변동되는지를 독립・매개・종속변수 간 직접효과와 간접효과를 측정하여 검정하였다. 원자력규제행정기관의 원자력규제대상인 방사선작업종사자의 사고대응 인적관리체계(ERHMS), 사고대응 물적관리체계(ERMMS), 사내 안전문화(CISC) 및 재발방지안전교육체계(RPSES) 등 4개의 외생요인과 매개요인인 규제기관활동만족도(RAAS) 그리고 내생요인인 ‘원자력 및 방사선안전’ 규제정책만족도(NRPS)를 각각 독립변수, 매개변수 및 종속변수로 설정하였다. 설문조사 항목과 측정변수간의 신뢰도, 타당도와 상관성이 유의한지를 신뢰도분석, 상관관계분석, 요인분석을 통해 살펴보았다. 다중회귀분석 그리고 구조방정식모델링(SEM) 매개효과 분석결과 사고대응 인적・물적관리체계, 사내 안전문화 및 사고재발방지교육체계에 대한 ‘규제기관의 활동’이 방사선작업종사자의 원자력 및 방사선안전 규제정책만족도에 유의미한 차이(significant difference)를 만드는 영향요인임을 확인하였다. 표준화계수의 크기를 비교할때 원자력규제 정책만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인의 크기는 사내안전문화(β=0.395), 사고대응인적관리체계(β=0.080), 사고대응물적관리체계(β=0.077), 재발방지안전교육체계(β=0.042) 순으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 시사점은 한정된 행정・재정적 자원을 가지고 원자력규제행정을 수행하는 규제기관의 원자력안전규제정책방향은 원자력 및 방사선안전사고예방을 위해 원자력사업자의 사내안전문화(CISC)나 사고대응인적관리체계 강화를 통해 원자력안전성 강화를 추진하는 것이 보다 효과적이고 효율적이라는 점을 양적연구를 통해 검증한 것이라 하겠다.
In order to prevent radiation-related disasters for radiation workers, the higher the average radiation exposure dose for each industry, the stronger the regulatory level of nuclear and radiation safety regulatory agencies is for its purpose and relevance. Therefore, nuclear regulatory agencies must apply radiation safety-related licensing and technical standards for nuclear power facilities differently for each type of nuclear business operator depending on the degree of risk of exposure to radiation. From the perspective of a nuclear regulatory agency with limited administrative and financial resources, this study was conducted to efficiently prioritize the regulated sectors of nuclear power operators and promote scientification of regulatory administration by incorporating evidence-based administration. Using the results of the 「2021 Nuclear Safety Survey」 conducted on 2,000 radiation workers, we investigated how radiation workers' satisfaction with nuclear regulation policy changes depending on the activities of nuclear regulatory agencies between independent, mediating, and dependent variables. Direct effects and indirect effects were measured and tested. Four exogenous factors, including the accident response human management system (ERHMS), accident response material management system (ERMMS), in-house safety culture (CISC), and recurrence prevention safety education system (RPSES) for radiation workers subject to nuclear regulation by the nuclear regulatory administrative agency. The regulatory agency activity satisfaction (RAAS), which is a mediating factor, and the endogenous factor 'nuclear energy and radiation safety' regulatory policy satisfaction (NRPS) were set as independent variables, mediators, and dependent variables, respectively. We examined whether the reliability, validity, and correlation between survey items and measurement variables were significant through reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and factor analysis. As a result of multiple regression analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) mediation effect analysis, the 'activities of regulatory agencies' regarding the accident response human and material management system, in-house safety culture, and accident recurrence prevention education system are related to the nuclear and radiation safety regulatory policy of radiation workers. It was confirmed that it was an influential factor that made a significant difference in satisfaction. When comparing the sizes of standardization coefficients, the sizes of factors affecting satisfaction with nuclear regulation policy are: in-house safety culture (β=0.395), accident response human management system (β=0.080), accident response material management system (β=0.077), Relapse prevention safety education system (β=0.042) appeared in that order. The implications of this study are that the direction of the nuclear safety regulation policy of regulatory agencies that carry out nuclear regulation administration with limited administrative and financial resources is related to the in-house safety culture (CISC) and accident response human management system of nuclear power operators to prevent nuclear and radiation safety accidents. It can be said that it has been verified through quantitative research that strengthening nuclear safety through reinforcement is more effective and efficient
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 제도적 배경 및 선행연구 검토
Ⅲ. 연구 설계(Research Design)
Ⅳ. 분석 결과(Analysis Result)
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언