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기초과학연구 논문집 제31권 제1호.jpg

Effects of Stair Climbing Exercise with Weight Proportionate Load on Borg Scale, Heart Rate, and Respiratory Rate

Effects of Stair Climbing Exercise with Weight Proportionate Load on Borg Scale, Heart Rate, and Respiratory Rate

This study aims to examine the feasibility of incorporating high-intensity climbing exercises into daily routines, in order to promote regular physical activity among individuals in the modern society. Thirty-five healthy adults (17 men, 18 women; mean age 21.7±1.9 years) participated in this study. The participants ascended the stairs to the 5th floor, with each floor consisting of 24 steps and having a step height of 165 mm. The ascent was conducted at an average speed of 1.3 steps per second. The participants performed the stair climbing task both with and without a load equivalent to 20% of their body weight on their back. The Borg scale, heart rate, and breathing rate, were measured under three conditions: before climbing (rest), after stair climbing without weight (SC), and after stair climbing with a dumbbell weighing 20% of their body weight (SCD). Statistical analysis involved the use of one-way repeated measures analysis of variance, and Bonferroni post hoc tests were conducted when significant differences between conditions were observed to assess significance. The analysis revealed a statistically significant difference in the changes observed in the Borg scale, heart rate, and breathing frequency among the three conditions (p < .01). Post hoc testing further demonstrated significant increases in both Borg scale ratings (6.51±0.66 < 14.40±1.97 < 16.74±1.84) and heart rate (90.46±13.85 < 132.43±20.78 < 161.00±16.32) corresponding to the incremental weight carried (p < .01). For respiratory rate, notable differences were observed between the rest condition (21.69±7.56) and SC (33.00±11.75), as well as between rest and SCD (39.20±13.20) (p < .01). However, no significant difference was observed between SC and SCD (p = .068). The findings of this study indicate that incorporating stair climbing exercise with a load equivalent to 20% of body weight could be recommended as an effective daily exercise regimen for improving cardiorespiratory health.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 방 법

Ⅲ. 결 과

Ⅳ. 고 찰

Ⅴ. 결 론

Ⅵ. 참고문헌
