최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Education and Teaching 제2권 제3호.jpg


A Path for Cultivating the Practical Teaching Ability of “Dualqualified” Teacher” Based on Enterprise Practice Mobile Stations

DOI : 10.59825/jet.2024.2.3.55

随着《职业教育提质培优行动计划(2020—2023 年)》的深入推进,发展产教融合型企业、建立教师企业实践流动站、培养“双师型”教师成为支持现代职业教育发展的重要取经。面对我国职业教育产教融合深度不足、教师缺乏企业实践经验的现实问题,职业院校必须通过深化产教融合建设与校企合作,以此打造高质量企业实践流动站,并由此推动“双师型”教师培养,显著提升教师的实践教学能力与综合素养。本文即在此背景下展开研究,通过分析职业院校企业实践流动站建设的必要性与企业实践流动站建设面临的问题,进而提出职业院校企业实践流动站建设与管理途径,以及基于企业实践流动站的“双师型”教师实践教学能力培养路径。

With the deepening of the Action Plan for Improving the Quality of Vocational Education (2020-2023), the development of enterprise-education integration, the establishment of teacher enterprise practice mobile station, and the training of “double-qualified” teachers have become important lessons to support the development of modern vocational education. Faced with the practical problems of insufficient integration of production and education in China's vocational education and the lack of practical enterprise experience in teachers, vocational colleges must deepen the integration of production and education and school-enterprise cooperation in order to build a high-quality enterprise practice mobile station, and thus promote the training of “double-qualified” teachers, and significantly improve the practical teaching ability and comprehensive literacy of teachers. In this context, this paper carries out research. By analyzing the necessity of the construction of enterprise practice mobile station in vocational colleges and the problems faced in the construction of enterprise practice mobile station, it further puts forward the construction and management approach of enterprise practice mobile station in vocational colleges and the training path of “double-qualified” practical teaching ability based on enterprise practice mobile station.

Ⅰ. 企业实践流动站概述

Ⅱ. 职业院校企业实践流动站建设的必要性

Ⅲ. 职业院校企业实践流动站建设面临的问题

Ⅳ. 职业院校企业实践流动站建设与管理

Ⅴ. 基于企业实践流动站的“双师型”教师实践教学能力培养路径

Ⅵ. 结语
