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Journal of Education and Teaching 제2권 제3호.jpg


The Ideological and Cultural Innovation of the Chinese Path to Modernization: Based on the Teaching Reform of Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Universities

DOI : 10.59825/jet.2024.2.3.83

中国式现代化,是中囯共产党领导的社会主义现代化,中国式现代化体现出社会主义现代化对资本主义现代化的历史超越。从思想文化维度深入理解中国式现代化是一个艰巨的理论任务,我们从高校思想政治理论课教师的本职工作出发,聚焦思想政治理论课教材体系建设,探寻在思想政治理论课教学阵地上如何认清、讲明中国式现代化开新思想文化。 我们应深入研究教材体系,以中国式现代化为红线贯通每一门课程,以思想文化的深度和广度说服人,切忌分散化和肤浅化,使学生们能够清楚地、自觉地将之当作学习和思考的线索,从而有志更为广泛地、深入地研究中国式现代化及其思想文化根基。这样,思想政治理论课的教学内容可以最终转化为教师和学生的崇高志向,激励新时代青年真正加入到实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史洪流之中。

Chinese-style modernization is the socialist modernization by communist party, which reflects the historical transcendence of socialist modernization over capitalist modernization. It is an arduous theoretical task to deeply understand Chinese-style modernization from the ideological and cultural dimension .Starting from the teachers’ own jobs in ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities, we focus on the construction of the teaching material system of ideological and political theory courses.and explore how to clearly understand and explain Chinese-style modernization to create new ideological culture in the teaching position of ideological and political theory courses.We should deeply study the textbook system,run through every course with Chinese modernization as the red line,convince people with the depth and breadth of ideology and culture,and avoid dispersion and superficiality,so that students can clearly and consciously use it as a clue to study and think,so as to study Chinese modernization and its ideological and cultural foundation more widely and deeply. In this way, the teaching content of ideological and political theory course can finally be transformed into the lofty aspirations of teachers and students, and inspire young people in the new era to truly join the historical torrent of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Ⅰ. 引言

Ⅱ. 中国式现代化的理论内涵

Ⅲ. 中国式现代化的思想文化底蕴

Ⅳ. 中国式现代化的世界历史意义

Ⅴ. 中国式现代化为中国传统思想文化开新指明方向
