최근 검색어 전체 삭제
중국학(구중국어문론집) 第86輯.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널


An Analysis of the Path of Chinese Music Education from the Perspective of Multi-culture

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2024.86.86.2
  • 46

随着21世纪全球间的文化交流、民族交流、国际交往愈发频繁,逐渐拉近了各个国家和各民族人民间的距离,共同实现和平稳定发展是每个国家交流及交往的迫切愿望。在此国际形势下,诞生了一种全新的理念,即“多元文化教育”,这种理念是借助于教育的力量来维护和保障各国人民平等、共同的受教育权利。多元文化教育的主要目标之一就是为学生提供必要的知识、文化和技能,以此帮助他们能够更好的在不同的民族文化、社群文化、社会主流文化以及跨民族文化的情境中站稳脚跟,旨在消除一体化或同质化观念,避免将所有学生视为具有相同文化背景和经验的个体,而是尊重和承认他们的多样性。多元文化教育不仅仅是一种教育改革过程,更是一种积极的教育理念或价值观念,其对现代社会具有重要意义,是满足学生多元化需求和提高教育质量的重要途径。同时,它也有助于培养学生对不同文化的理解和尊重,促进全球公民意识的发展。 多元文化教育理念在多个学科中都得到了明确的体现,在艺术领域也不例外。这种理念强调了艺术教育在促进文化多样性和民族认同感方面的重要性,通过接触和学习不同国家、民族、地区的音乐,学生也可以更好地理解和欣赏各种文化的价值与独特性,同时也得以增强对自身国家文化的认同感和自豪感。在多元文化视角下,中国音乐教育在过去一段时间内经历了一系列的变革和发展,与此同时也迎来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。根据相关研究调查发现,中国从很多年前便开始探索和研究多元文化音乐教育,虽取得了一定的成果,但也存在着诸多问题。基于此,本文总结了在多元文化形势下中国音乐教育所暴露出来的问题,并基于这些问题探究和分析在多元文化视角下的中国音乐教育如何实现更好和更长远地发展。

With the increasing cultural exchanges, ethnic exchanges and international exchanges in the 21st century, the distance between countries and peoples has been gradually narrowed, and it is the urgent desire of every country to achieve peace, stability and development together. In this international situation, a new idea, “multicultural education”, has been born, which is to safeguard and protect the equal and common right to education of people of all countries by means of the power of education. One of the main objectives of multicultural education is to provide students with the necessary knowledge, culture and skills to help them better stand firm in the context of different ethnic cultures, community cultures, social mainstream cultures and cross-ethnic cultures, aiming to eliminate the concept of integration or homogenization, and avoid seeing all students as individuals with the same cultural background and experience. It’s about respecting and acknowledging their diversity. Multicultural education is not only a process of educational reform, but also a positive educational idea or value concept, which is of great significance to modern society and an important way to meet the diversified needs of students and improve the quality of education. At the same time, it also helps to cultivate students’ understanding and respect for different cultures and promotes the development of global citizenship. The concept of multicultural education has been clearly reflected in many disciplines, and the field of art is no exception. This concept emphasizes the importance of arts education in promoting cultural diversity and national identity. Through exposure to and learning about the music of different countries, nationalities and regions, students can also better understand and appreciate the value and uniqueness of various cultures, while strengthening their identity and pride in their own culture. From the perspective of multi-culture, Chinese music education has experienced a series of changes and development in the past period of time, and at the same time ushered in unprecedented opportunities and challenges. According to relevant research findings, China began to explore and study multicultural music education many years ago, and although it has made some achievements, there are still many problems. Based on this, this paper summarizes the problems exposed by Chinese music education under the multicultural situation, and explores and analyzes how to achieve better and more long-term development of Chinese music education under the multicultural perspective based on these problems.

1. 全球化背景下的多元文化浪潮

2. 多元文化对教育的影响

3. 多元文化音乐教育的含义

4. 多元文化音乐教育的价值取向

5. 现中国实施多元文化音乐教育中存在的问题

6. 中国实施多元文化音乐教育的策略研究

7. 结语
