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An Analytical Study of World Geography Examination Questions in the Korea's College Scholastic Aptitude Test(CSAT)

An Analytical Study of World Geography Examination Questions in the Korea's College Scholastic Aptitude Test(CSAT)

  • 15

This study aims to conduct an in-depth exploration of the question structure, knowledge framework, and evaluation methods of the geography subject in the Korea's College Scholastic Aptitude Test(CSAT), with the intention of offering insights for the reform of high school entrance examination systems in other countries. Utilizing literature review and case analysis methods, coupled with a detailed examination of the 2021 CSAT geography subject examination questions, this study reveals the distinctive features of CSAT geography subject questions. The findings indicate that CSAT geography subject questions exhibit a clear structure, encompass a wide range of knowledge, and emphasize the assessment of geographical processes and abilities. Building upon these insights, the study proposes recommendations for reforming high school entrance examination question design, including emphasizing foundational knowledge education, enhancing geographical abilities cultivation, and strengthening diverse assessment methods, to facilitate the continuous improvement and development of high school entrance examination systems. These findings are of significant importance for deepening the understanding of the South Korean high school entrance examination system and enhancing the fairness and scientific nature of high school entrance examination assessments.

本研究旨在深入探讨韩国高考(CSAT)中地理科目的试题结构、知识体系和评价方式,并为其他国家高考制度改革提供借鉴。通过文献资料分析法和案例分析法,结合对2021 学年度韩国高考地理科目试题的详细解析,揭示了CSAT 地理科目试题的特点。研究发现,CSAT 地理科目试题结构明晰,知识涵盖广泛,强调地理过程和地理能力的考核。在此基础上,本研究提出了改革高考命题的建议,包括重视基础知识的教育、强化地理能力的培养以及加强多元评价,以推动高考制度的不断完善和发展。这些发现对于深化理解韩国高考制度,提升高考评价的公平性和科学性具有重要意义。

1 CSAT 考试的基本概况

2 世界地理试题分析

3 启示

