최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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Exploring the Cultural Barriers and Pathways of Chinese Peking Opera's Overseas Dissemination within the Context of English-Language Media

Exploring the Cultural Barriers and Pathways of Chinese Peking Opera's Overseas Dissemination within the Context of English-Language Media

  • 9

In contemporary times, cultural diplomacy has become an indispensable component of China's foreign communication strategy. Peking Opera, as a significant aspect of cultural diplomacy, has been widely propagated globally through both official and non-official performances. This paper aims to elucidate the current status of Peking Opera in international communication. Through a systematic review of English-language news media coverage of Peking Opera from 2010 to 2022, a total of 856 articles from Chinese official English media, overseas Chinese English media, and Western English media were integrated using established databases and data retrieval methods. Discourse analysis conducted through corpus establishment revealed discrepancies in translation terminology, lack of contextualized social dissemination, and cultural discounting in Peking Opera coverage across various English media outlets. As a result, the paper proposes the establishment of a discourse communication system for Peking Opera, exploration of comprehensive communication approaches, and enhancement of the feasibility of constructing Chinese English media.

当下,文化外交已经成为中国对外传播策略中不可或缺的一环。作为文化外交的重要组成部分,京剧伴随着中国官方和民间的海外演出在世界范围内广泛传播。本文以揭示当今京剧在国际传播中的具体状况为研究目的,通过对2010 年至2022 年英文新闻媒体中的京剧报道进行系统梳理,利用建立数据库和数据抓取等方式整合中国官方英文媒体、海外华人英文媒体与西方英文媒体856 篇报道,并通过建立语料库的方式进行话语分析,发现不同英文媒体在对京剧的报道中存在翻译译称不统一、缺乏社会化语境传播以及传播文化折扣的现象,并对此提出建设京剧话语传播体系、探索综合化传播方式以及加强中国英文媒体建设的可行性方案。

1 理论基础与研究设计

2 京剧在英文新闻媒体中得传播特点分析

3 京剧海外传播问题分析

4 当下中国京剧海外传播的应对策略

