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KCI등재 학술저널


A Preliminary Study on Ma Yifu's “Six Arts Theory” and His Ideology of Printing Studies

DOI : 10.19077/tsoc.2024.44.11
  • 15


As a representative figure of modern new Confucianism, Ma Yifu not only has deep national learning and solid traditional learning, but also has original ideas in the field of Indian studies.Ma Yifu's “six arts theory” and his art practice also have mutual achievement relationship, reaching the academic and art two-phase confirmation, so that his works give new meaning and connotation, more pointed to the “sacred” level.This paper presents Ma Yifu's “six arts theory” as a link between aesthetic ideas, combined with its printing works, and expounds its printing ideas.

Ⅰ. 序論

Ⅱ. 馬一浮与“六藝論”

Ⅲ. 馬一浮的印学思想

Ⅳ. 馬一浮印学思想的渊源

Ⅴ. 結語
