최근 검색어 전체 삭제

The Professional Development of a Korean High School EFL Teacher in the US MA TESOL Program

The Professional Development of a Korean High School EFL Teacher in the US MA TESOL Program

After the educational policy Teaching English Through English (TETE) was enacted in Korea, the authentic use of English teachers has been strongly emphasized. Under this circumstance, recently, the growing number of teachers in Korea decides to pursue a MA degree in TESOL in English speaking countries as one of the in-service teacher education. With a social constructive perspective, this study aimed at exploring how a Korean EFL teacher learns to teach in the MA TESOL program in the United States, in particular, how much influential the US MA TESOL program was to develop his English ability enough to teach English through English. The findings of the present study showed that the teacher found the US MA TESOL program to be helpful in that he could develop his English ability, especially, his speaking ability the most through the opportunities from class discussions, project presentations, and his own effort outside of the program; knowledge about the target culture; and his teaching belief. Although the program lacked courses about how to teach each language skill in an EFL setting, he found that US MA TESOL program was beneficial to his professional development.

I. Introduction

II. Literature Review

III. Methodology

IV. Findings and Discussion

V. Conclusion

Works Cited
