최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Double Agreement in Exceptional Syntactic Configurations in English

Double Agreement in Exceptional Syntactic Configurations in English

This paper explored a full-fledged analysis of a topic of keen interests in the literature since Stowell (Stowell 1981, 1983, Kitagawa 1985, Williams 1980, 1984, Aarts 1992, etc.), the long-discussed agreement phenomena in exceptional small clauses in English, and attempted to provide an answer to an issue on how Korean L2 speakers of English can acquire the agreement phenomena in small clauses in English in their learning stages. This paper argued that both ϕ-feature and Case agreement in small clauses in English and other natural languages are well explained under double Agree proposed in this paper. This paper suggested that, in order to facilitate their acquisition of agreement in small clauses in English, Korean L2 students of English need to thoroughly learn about double Agree to get a complete understanding of agreement phenomena in natural languages. They also need to learn that Case agreement is only overt where the complements are pronominals, and ϕ-feature agreement is covert in small clauses in English, unlike that in French. Based upon this principled knowledge, they will be able to identify incorrect agreement from right agreement phenomena in small clauses

I. Introduction

II. Modification of the TP analysis

III. Agreement in the exceptional structures in English

IV. Conclusion

Works Cited
