최근 검색어 전체 삭제

멜라머드의 『천재선수』

Bernard Malamud's The Natural : A Mythological Application of American Literature

This paper aims to illuminate the characteristics of the novel The Natural(1952) by Bernard Malamud, a Jewish-American novelist and short story writer, creating a unified vision based on the values of human. Malamud's first novel is a strang amalgam of fact and fable, the mythology, the mundane and fantasy. It concerns a character who wants to be the best baseball player ever who possess very special heroic qualities. Unfortunately, Roy Hobbs does not possess the vision necessary to see beyond his goal of breaking baseball records, which in Malamud's view means that he is interested only self-aggrandizement and not in serving humanity. In Malamud's fiction, self-centeredness is always a primal sin that is severely punished until the individual changes his attitude. The mythological is central to The Natural, and I think it is best viewed from the vantage point of the three women that Malamud presents to the protagonist, as each carries with her certain aspects of the myths and legends relevant to Roy Hobb's situation. The Natural probes the identity of everyman by means of symbolism making use of myth and realism confused with baseball as metaphor. In this novel, Malamud uses ancient fertility myth, father-son myth, seasonal cycles, myth of King Arthur and etc. Here the process that Roy is changing into a natural is well described in the action of trial and error. In conclusion I considered a mythological, moral view of Malamud, studying the process of moral growth of hero. In fact, Malamud's major concerns such as myth, suffering, Jew, and a new life are all related to his humanistic morality. He widely exposes the dignity of the human spirit searching for moral growth in the face of hardship, the existential anguish of life. So I think that Malamud intended to portray humanistic spirit to embody human intrinsic passion, meaningful suffering in life through ironical version and myth.
