최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Writing Feedback: Assessing Korean Learners' Viewpoints and Strategies for Dealing with Them

Writing Feedback: Assessing Korean Learners' Viewpoints and Strategies for Dealing with Them

The goal of this study was twofold : 1) finding out Korean learners viewpoints on each one of the seven major writing feedbacks, and 2) finding out, of five methods for dealing with writing feedback, which strategies Korean learners employed. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Korean EFL learners favor teacher-oriented feedback to nonteacher oriented feedback. 2) Five teacher-oriented writing feedback were rated in the following order (from most favorable to least favorable): teacher-student session, teacher correction with comments, teacher correction, comment, and error identification. 3) Of two non-teacher oriented writing feedback, Korean EFL learners preferred self correction over peer correction. 4) Five methods applied in dealing with writing feedback were rated in the following order (from most favorable to least favorable): teacher-student session(4 subjects), correct errors/ rewrite(2 subjects), look up a grammar/writing book(2 subjects), read again(1 subject), and make a note-written or mental(1 subject).

Ⅰ. Purpose and Need of the Study

Ⅱ. Research Question

Ⅲ. Types of Teacher Feedback

Ⅳ. Methods and Procedures

Ⅴ. Results

Ⅵ. Discussions

Ⅶ. Conclusion

Works Cited
