An analysis of Dong Nuo opera Dong Dong Tui-Tianjingzhai, Silu Village, Gongxi Township, Hunan Province, “Jumping Kid” as an example.
An analysis of Dong Nuo opera Dong Dong Tui-Tianjingzhai, Silu Village, Gongxi Township, Hunan Province, “Jumping Kid” as an example.
- Korea Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences(KIHSS)
- Journal of Global Arts Studies (JGAS)
- Vol.2, No.1
- 2024.03
- 49 - 62 (14 pages)
【背景】傩戏是从傩文化母体中脱胎而出的民间艺术, 作为中国传统乡村社会中较为常见的民间戏剧形式之一, 它与傩祭相伴相生, 在民众的日常生活观念中主要承载着驱鬼逐疫、祈福禳灾的文化功能, 笔者的出生地便是侗族傩戏流传之地。 【目的】由于侗族自古只有语言没有文字,即使是1958 年国家颁布侗族文字以来,相关侗族傩戏的资料记载也很少,说明探寻新晃侗族傩戏的渊源、文化内涵、历史变迁都还有很大的空间。“咚咚推 ”是湖南新晃县侗族自治县贡溪乡天井寨上演的侗族傩戏, 它不仅是中国传统傩文化的一个组成部分,更是侗族历史文化的延续。 【方法】本文以侗族傩 戏“咚咚推 ”《跳小鬼》为研究对象,对大量资料进行查阅,对肢体动作的梳理。 【结果】通过对侗族傩戏“咚咚推”中的《跳小鬼》作为重点研究对象,尝试从侗族傩戏的历史起源、流传情况、小鬼的服化道、《跳小鬼》跳法以及对其传承发展的几点思考四个方面探索侗族傩戏“咚咚推 ”这一非物质文化遗产。 【结论】本研究复原出“咚咚推 ”中《跳小鬼》的完整的一段跳法并结合实习经历针对中小学关于傩戏的鉴赏课设计了一节教案。
[Background] Nuo opera is born from the mother of Nuo culture in the folk art, as one of the more common forms of folk theater in traditional Chinese rural society, it is accompanied by the Nuo festival, in the people's daily life in the concept of the main bearer of driving away ghosts and epidemics, praying for blessings and avoiding disasters in the cultural function of the author's birthplace is the Dong Nuo opera circulating place. [Objective] Since the Dong people only have language but no written language since ancient times,even since the state promulgated the Dong script in 1958,there are few records of related Dong opera,indicating that there is still a lot of room to explore the origin,cultural connotation and historical changes of the new Dong Nuo opera “Dong Dong Tui” is a Dong opera of Tianjing Village, Gongxi Township, Xinhuang Dong Autonomous County, Hunan Province, which is part of the traditional Chinese Nuo culture and is a contemporary continuation of Nuo history and culture. [Method] In this paper,a large number of data were consulted and the body movements were sorted out. [Results] This paper takes the Dong Nuo opera “DongDong Tui” “Jumping Kid” as the object of study, with a large amount of information to review, to sort out the body movements, to recover the “DongDong Tui” in the “Jumping Kid” a complete section of the dance method. [Conclusion] In this study, a complete section of the jumping method of “Dancing Ghost” in “Dong Dong Tui” was restored, and a lesson plan was desi gned for the appreciation class of Wu opera in primary and secondary schools based on the practical ex perience.
1 侗族傩戏“咚咚推”的历史起源以及在湘西地区的流传情况
2 “咚咚推”的跳法—以《跳小鬼》为例
3 剖析《跳小鬼》中的服饰、角色、道具特点
4 对侗族傩戏传承与发展的思考
5 结论