최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Global Arts Studies (JGAS) Vol.2, No.1.jpg

An Analysis of the “Authentic Essence” and Principles in Qing Dynasty Tibetan Gelug Sect Gold and Bronze Founding Masters' Statues

An Analysis of the “Authentic Essence” and Principles in Qing Dynasty Tibetan Gelug Sect Gold and Bronze Founding Masters' Statues

DOI : 10.23112/jgas24033108
  • 21

【背景】只有历经数百年而不失“本真”的藏传金铜祖师造像,才能诠释出所处时期社会和文化的价值。 【目的】通过对格鲁派祖师宗喀巴(又称上师)造像本源的探讨,所体现出的“本真”之美,其艺术魅力与无上佛性,凌跨群雄。对佛界高僧大德的造像工艺艺术,产生了深刻的影响和示范作用。 【方法】是以祖师的“真实”形象为模型,制作精细,比例准确,工艺手法精到娴熟,糅杂融合有印度密教金刚乘、时轮乘诸神,本土的原始神祇、汉地神祇、蒙古神祇等造像的想象“幻境”。 【结果】祖师造像无论是奢华还是简约,是宫廷造还是藏汉地造,皆以人为本,以真为实,恪守不变。 【结论】高僧大德诸造像,法相亲和,气度充盈。雍容与自信的风范里,闪烁着佛性的光辉。金铜祖师造像精湛的艺术魅力与宗教文化深厚的特质,彰显出雪域高原民族独特的张力与风情。

[Background] Only Tibetan gold and bronze founding master statues that have endured for centuries without losing their “authentic essence” can elucidate the social and cultural values of their era. [Objective] This study explores the origin of statues of Tsongkhapa (also known as the supreme master) from the Gelug sect, showcasing the beauty of their “authentic essence,” their artistic allure, and their supreme Buddha nature, which stands out among many. It delves into the profound impact and exemplary role of the craftsmanship and artistry of statues of eminent monks and scholars. [Method] The approach involves using the “true” image of the founding masters as models, crafting with precision, accurate proportions, and masterful techniques. It integrates and blends the imaginative “visions” of deities from Indian Vajrayana and Kalachakra tantric practices, along with local primal deities, Chinese deities, and Mongolian deities. [Results] Whether the statues of founding masters are luxurious or simple, crafted for the court or in Tibetan and Han regions, they prioritize humanity and authenticity, adhering to an unwavering standard. [Conclusion] The statues of eminent monks and scholars radiate a friendly demeanor and an aura of dignity. In their graceful and confident style, the brilliance of Buddha nature shines through. The exquisite artistic charm and profound religious cultural traits of the gold and bronze founding master statues highlight the unique tension and flair of the people of the Tibetan Plateau.

1 引言

2 应用而生的格鲁派祖师宗喀巴

3 宗喀巴与班禅造像神气合一,功德圆满

4 高僧大德造像代简约与美化

5 “一神多相”与“众相如一”

6 结语

