Research on overseas dissemination of Anhui promotion video based on Python
Research on overseas dissemination of Anhui promotion video based on Python
- Korea Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences(KIHSS)
- Journal of Global Arts Studies (JGAS)
- Vol.2, No.1
- 2024.03
- 148 - 160 (13 pages)
【背景】近年来,国际社交媒体平台YouTube 上出现了大量安徽文旅推介视频,海外观众受其吸引留下多条评论,这为研究安徽外宣的海外接受提供了丰富的素材。 【方法】本文采集YouTube 平台上安徽文旅推介视频的英文评论,自建小型语料库,并基于Python 辅助的NLTK 工具包生成观众评论数、主题词云图和评价核心词等量化数据,同时基于NLKT 的SentiWordNet 工具和文本情感分析工具Vader 对观众评论文本进行质性研究。 【目的】通过分析尝试获知海外受众观看体验中对“安徽”的情感认知,以及对作品思想价值的认同度,以期为传播徽文化,讲好安徽故事,进一步提升中国形象提供启示。 【结果】数据分析结果显示安徽地域文化得到海外受众的接受和认同,受众对安徽推介视频中的传播内容,多给予客观和正面回应。 【结论】本研究揭示了短视频的海外文化传播,需要注重自我的阐释与他者的理解相结合,传播形式注重海外受众体验,传播内容关注人文关怀的短视频更易受到海外受众的情感回应。通过多维度多视角呈现真实的安徽形象,与他者共筑共有、共享的文化意义空间,以帮助海外受众整合认知信息、消弭认知分歧,继而建构可信、可爱、可敬的现代化美好安徽“形象”。
[Background] In recent years, a large number of promotion videos of Anhui cultural tourism have appeared on the international social media platform YouTube, and overseas audiences have been attracted to leave comments, providing rich materials for the study of overseas acceptance of Anhui's external publicity. [Methods] This paper collected English comments of Anhui cultural tourism promotion videos on YouTube platform, built a small corpus by itself, and generated quantitative data such as the number of audience comments, theme word cloud map and evaluation core words based on Pythonassisted NLTK toolkit. At the same time, based on NLKT's SentiWordNet tool and text emotion analysis tool Vader. [Objective] Through qualitative research on the audience's comments, their emotional cognition of “Anhui” was explored in the viewing experience and their recognition of the ideological value of the work, with a view to providing inspiration for spreading Hui culture, telling Anhui stories well, and further improving the image of China. [Results] The results of data analysis indicated that the regional culture in Anhui was received acceptance and recognition from overseas audiences, who gave objective and positive response to the communicative content in the videos clips. [Conclusion] The study reveals that the overseas cultural dissemination of short videos need to pay attention to the combination of selfinterpretation and the understanding of others. The videos whose forms of communication focus on the experience of overseas audiences, and whose content concentrate on human care are more likely to receive emotional response from overseas audience. Through multi-dimensional and multi-perspective presentations of the real image in Anhui, shared space containing cultural meanings with others is established, which facilitates overseas audiences to integrate cognitive information, eliminate cognitive divergences, and then build a credible, lovely and respectable image of modern and beautiful Anhui.
1 引言
2 文献综述
3 数据处理
4 数据结果
5 结论