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KCI등재 학술저널

공동주택 공동체 활성화 사업이 주민의 사회적 자본 형성과 주거만족에 미치는 영향 탐색

Exploring the Impact of Apartment Community Vitalization Projects on Residents’ Social Capital and Residential Satisfaction

DOI : 10.21447/jusre.2024.15.1.4

This study intends to explore the structural relationship between participation in community revitalization projects in apartment complexes and the formation of social capital among residents and their relationships with each other and the impact of formed social capital on residential satisfaction. The case study is the Lifelong Learning Village School of Chamisul Apartment in Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do. Focus Group Interview (FGI) has been conducted with 6 main participants. Social capital includs participation experience, trust, network, and norms, and residential satisfaction included safety, education, culture, environment, and neighborhood relationships. The results show that participation in community revitalization projects influences the formation of social capital in terms of participation experience, trust, network, and norm among community members, and participation experience influences network and trust. The social capital is found to affect housing satisfaction, although there are differences by some factors.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론 및 선행연구 검토

Ⅲ. 사례지역 현황 및 조사설계

Ⅳ. 분석 결과

Ⅴ. 결론 및 시사점

