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노인 입원환자 대상 국내 다제약물 관리사업 참여자의 인식과 경험

Awareness of and Experience in a Polypharmacy Management Program for Older Inpatients: A Qualitative Study of Patients, Caregivers, Physicians, and Pharmacists

DOI : 10.15656/kjgg.2024.25.1.22
  • 77

Background: This study aimed to investigate the awareness and experiences of older inpatients and their caregivers as well as those of physicians and pharmacists who participated in a polypharmacy management program. Methods: An in-depth interview with two patients and two caregivers as well as a focus group discussion with four physicians and four pharmacists were conducted. The recordings of the interview, discussion, and researchers’ notes were transcribed. The transcript was examined using directed content analysis. Results: The results of this study were summarized into three themes: “overall perception and attitude toward polypharmacy and its management program,” “role of each member of the program and their mutual cooperation,” and “requirements for the content and system of the program,” which were derived from a categorization of the participants’ statements that were identified as key messages. The program raised awareness about and interest in unnecessary drug use among all participants. Patients and caregivers tended to participate passively in polypharmacy management. Participants expressed regret about the lack of communication between physicians and pharmacists. Patients and caregivers desired more comprehensive and personalized drug management, and all participants agreed that caring for older patients is essential. Conclusion: This study systematically examined the participation experiences and perceptions of both providers and users of polypharmacy management programs in the Korean healthcare system. Our findings have important implications for developing a reasonable model for polypharmacy management in older patients.

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