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골관절염과 아토피피부염 사이의 관계: 제3기부터 제8기 국민건강영양조사 자료 활용

Relationship between Osteoarthritis and Atopic Dermatitis Based on the 3rd-8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

DOI : 10.15656/kjgg.2024.25.1.49
  • 53

Background: Evidence has been raised on the genetic link between osteoarthritis and allergic conditions, and recent studies have confirmed the association between asthma and osteoarthritis. However, the relationship between atopic dermatitis and osteoarthritis has not been sufficiently investigated. This study aimed to assess the association between atopic dermatitis and osteoarthritis in Korean adults. Methods: Multiple logistic and linear regression models were fitted utilizing data from the 3rd-8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to assess the relationship between atopic dermatitis and osteoarthritis with adjustment for potential confounding factors among men and women in their 50s. Results: After adjustment for potential confounding factors, doctor-diagnosed osteoarthritis was significantly more prevalent in men and women with atopic dermatitis (adjusted odds ratio: 2.27 [95% confidence interval: 1.05-4.88]; P=0.037 and 2.95 [2.04-4.25]; P<0.001, respectively). When adjusted for potential confounders, knee pain (3.13 [1.42-6.92]; P=0.005), symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (3.23 [1.01-10.39]; P=0.049), and symptomatic lumbar osteoarthritis (6.97 [2.97-16.37]; P<0.001) were also significantly more frequent in women with atopic dermatitis. Furthermore, knee pain was observed to be more severe in women with atopic dermatitis after adjustment for confounders (adjusted mean difference: 1.43 [0.26-2.59]; P=0.016). Conclusion: These results indicate that atopic dermatitis is associated with osteoarthritis in Korean adults in their 50s.

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