최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.11 No.2.jpg

A Study of the Impact of Online Mass Events on College Students' Education

A Study of the Impact of Online Mass Events on College Students' Education

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2023.11.2.31

With the rapid development of the Internet, the frequent occurrence of network group events has made the internal and external educational environment of colleges and universities change dramatically, which has a great impact on the education of college students. the impact of network group events on college students has a dual nature, both positive and negative impacts. This paper analyzes the connotation and characteristics of network mass events, discusses the impact of network mass events on college students' education, and then puts forward the countermeasures for college students to rationally deal with network mass events.

1. Connotation and Characteristics of Online Mass Events

2. Impact of network mass incidents on university students' education

3. Countermeasures for college students to rationally deal with group incidents on the Internet

