최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Asia Social Science Vol.11 No.2.jpg

Study on the Construction and Realization Path of Political Elements in College Basketball Course

Study on the Construction and Realization Path of Political Elements in College Basketball Course

DOI : 10.51600/jass.2023.11.2.105

The proposal of “curriculum thought and politics” has put forward new requirements and new challenges to college physical education. How to integrate the rich political ideas contained in physical education into daily teaching has also brought new problems and new opportunities to physical education classroom. This research mainly uses the literature method, firstly expounds the necessity of political elements of college basketball course, and then sorts out the political elements of college basketball course. It believes that college basketball course contains political elements such as patriotic consciousness, teamwork consciousness and trust consciousness, competition consciousness and hard work consciousness, rule consciousness and calm quality. Finally, it puts forward the realization path from the aspects of strengthening teachers' education consciousness and ability, reforming and innovating traditional teaching contents and teaching methods, creating a good curriculum political environment, and configuring and constructing the corresponding mechanism for PE teachers to carry out curriculum political development.

1. Necessity of political elements of college basketball course

2. Construction of political elements in college basketball courses

3. College sports basketball course political teaching design

4. College basketball course political realization path

